Tuesday 22 May 2012

392 - Coco has a tick May Long W/E

Day 392 was a dreary variable weather day. Sheldon and I were the only ones home so eerily quiet. I was up doing things while Sheldon finished Hunger Games. Then we sorted and cleaned his night stand before heading to Eagle Lake Nursery to look at trees.
 front door pendant, look how green it is!
 Coco showing Diego how to use the ramp
and after some coaxing he tries it, then it was off to Tims where he got 3 doggy treats and Coco 1 then off to eagle lake

We decided at 1:30 to continue to Stewart Nurseries to see what trees we might be getting but no one home so only could look. :/

2:30 found us back in town at Totem and home hardware getting parts for the rain system and finally home at 3:30. Shaina, Brandon, Sheldon and I went for a good ride taking Bird along too. After the ride, Shaina was alarmed to find what she thought was a cancer skin tag on Coco, I pulled the fully engorged tick off and killed it. This sucker (no pun) had been on for a week when Matt's dad noticed her yelping when he touched her neck. Lesson learned, check immediately!
 beer can chicken goes on
 Oscar (AKA primo) plays with the girls
Just after 6, Matt and Marrissa joined us for a beer can chicken barbeque. It was scrumptious. Shaina headed to town for a sleepover with Kaylin and Brandon headed home around 7:30 while the party continued at our place. Marissa and I watched a few episodes of Housewives of Vancouver while the fellows played pool till after midnight.Then I read until 2:30..Lone Wolf

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