Thursday 24 May 2012

395 - still more rain

Day 395 began rainy yet again and was cool but NO WIND!! that was fabulous. I headed to work stopping to grab teas. At just before 1 I left work and got the oil changed in the enclave as it was due. The next stop was off to stock up on groceries for the graduation weekend. It is so hard to believe it is in 2 days!
 can you believe the curls are still sort of in.. sell me that hairspray sister!

I arrived home at 2, grabbed a wee snack and proceeded to unpack groceries..UGH I also planted some cilantro and another batch of peas and see lots of my seeds are up: peas, spinach, kohl rabi, radishes and lettuce :-) I boiled up ribs for supper and simmered for a few hours.
when I got home I found these little tracks all over the house! so it was bona mop time!

The sun finally peeked out around 4:30! Once home form work, Sheldon and I enjoyed a beer. He then installed 3 "free" from work incentive LED bulbs and swept the garage. I did computer work including accounting and checked pinterest for a few minutes. Supper was ribs, rice and homemade coleslaw with new recipe, yum! After supper we went out and checked tree placement and walked the dogs. We also surveyed the grass germination.
 this is the only area coming up.. at the gate
 but I found the seed.. in piles at edge of ditches
and here is the entire north side.. bald! Sheldon drug the harrows over it to see if that helps.

Shaina was fortunate enough to be scheduled for work till 9. 

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