Monday 28 May 2012

399 - Asher & more trees May 28

Day 399 found Shaina and Britt bettling off to school while I got the Gienow guy adjusting the doors. I also got the mountains of laundry started. (can you believe I can wash 17 pairs of jeans and 3 jean shorts in one load, this new machine rocks) Soon after he left Amanda arrived with young master Asher around 9:30. He will be my helper for the morning while Kaylin went to the city to fight a speeding ticket.

Just after Amanda left, Gord and his daughter arrived with 12 more trees. This was great amusement for Asher who spent lots of time watching the tractor, girl and Diego.

 apple trees in wait of holes
 Asher checks my strawberries
 and the quad
 and the skid steer

Kaylin arrived victorious (they threw it out of court due to an error) just after 11:30 and loaded Asher up taking him back to town. The tree truck followed soon behind.

It was then time to try and update the blog ..whew! I did take a few photos over the weekend.

 After school Shaina drove home and I snapped a few photos with what she likes to call "the Shaina tree" . Then her and Britt rode horses while Sheldon and I worked on trees once he was home from work.

I had supper ready so Shaina could head to Yoga and her Monday night sleepover at Kaylin's.  After supper it was more tree work until our landscape lady arrived at 7 for payment and to drop off final plan. She checked progress and helped us re measure tree spacing at the fire pit area much to Sheldon's chagrin. She headed home at 9,Sheldon went out to move dirt to stake the new trees correctly in that area.

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