Wednesday 23 May 2012

394 - horrible wind

Day 394 started dreary and windy and never got better. Horrid wind blew the entire day probably drying up any good moisture we did get. The grass that was seeded is only coming up at the gate in the soft harrowed dirt, the rest has blown to Lethbridge.

Shaina was off to school and me right behind her. I dropped Tupperware containers and goodies at Amandas on the way to work. Today she is making me 3 kinds of cupcakes for the weekend. Very excited to taste them. She is making Lemonade with raspberry icing, red velvet and inside out carrot!

At noon I headed home. After grabbing a quick bite to eat and lighting a fire, it was time to do accounting, BOO!! The concrete guys stopped to measure for quotes and then the Big Rock Boys arrived and put up a new banner on the approach bales.. no more lime banners available :-( so we are now grasshopper. They had a challenge putting it up in the terrible wind but did it.
3:30 Gord dropped the tree spade off while I continued to clean and tidy.

Around 4:30 Asher and Amanda delivered the freshly made cupcakes and had a quick visit. Sheldon arrived home from work soon after. He went out to measure tree locations in the crazy wind. Supper was left overs and after he went back out to continue measuring and talk container of water to the horses. The rain gauge said 6/10ths

Shaina again stayed in town and then went to the city to a movie with Yanni. This child might need to stay home and study soon!

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