Friday 23 November 2012

blog address change

ok as I went to upload pictures form yesterdays projects I found I was once again out of room for photos. I have started another new blog at the address

thanks to all our faithful followers, we appreciate the emails and encouragement to continue our online ranch build. It really is a online photo album but I do love sharing recipes and sites and book reviews ect with you all

please add it to your RSS feed or subscribe via email

Thursday 22 November 2012

577 - Sheldon finishes his course

Day 577 found us still in the iceberg temperatures..OK it is only -10 at worst but it is cold after all the nice weather we have had. School and work again. Sheldon finishes his last day of his course today and will be home tonight.

Asher visited me at work today while Amanda ran her car to be detailed and oil changed then I gave them a quick ride home. He was funny carrying his ipad watching Nemo... my times have changed.

I left work after 12:30 but made a quick stop at Home Hardware to get my 5 gallon tub of paint shook. I am supposed to be painting the front door interior side but last night I had a brain wave that perhaps I should try to stain it and if it did not work I could always paint over but not the other way around. After looking at stain and talking to Randy my paint guru I remembered the gallon of stain I have left that is the cabinet color. He suggested I should call the paint store that made it to see if it will work on the fiberglass.
front door dilemma, all other doors are the decorators white.. but once I paint I cannot stain.. votes???

Back at the ranch decided to go safe and paint the step stool first. I mixed a bit of my freshly shaken white trim paint into the my blue chalk paint to make a lighter blue for the step stool.

After a bit more procrastination I decided I would do the pine quilt rack I had left natural for years. It was the original inspiration for dark stain as I did a test patch of white last night on the stool and did not like as well as I thought. Below is the second gallon of stain we bought, as you can see there is only about an inch gone, guess I can stain the entire house's wood and more.
I also did a wee test patch on the front door after washing it but did not do dark and took off with paint thinner soon after.

I made goulash for Britt and I then I painted the second coat of blue on the stool. Sheldon arrived home just after 8 as I was finishing up. Shaina got home much later after working till close then watching a movie with Brandon

Wednesday 21 November 2012

576 - snow arrives

Day 576 was still bone chilling, fog and hoar frost filled the air. Britt and I took the truck to town to pickup a kitchen table I won on an auction site for $5.
I picked it up at noon just before I picked Britt up from school to run her to Lammle's to try boots on. Shaina met us there only having to babysit Asher until noon. Britt had luck with a pair but Shaina needs another size to try.
these are Britt's choice.

Lunch break was up for Britt so after dropping her back at school I met Shaina for lunch at The Roadhouse. I had the most delicious spinach salad and she enjoyed the taco salad.
I then met a lady to purchase another online item, a carhartt jacket Britt has been wanting.
I then ran Shaina's tip wad to the bank to deposit in her travel fund before heading home. She was already home jumping in the shower.
the gate keeper Julio, for a rub you may pass, actually he would prefer a snack
The snow started to come down just after 3, thank goodness I had a warm fire raging. Britt works after school till nine. Shaina painted my toes before she went to town after 4:30. It seems to wish for simple things and they happen! (last night tub observation) She has supper, workout then yoga date with Gail then Kaylin is taking her to the city for a sleepover bringing her back when they both work tomorrow.
 she calls this color combination "mermaid"
I found out last night that Sheldon does not come home tonight but rather tomorrow night so looks like it is cheezies for me for supper!! :-) I set up our new temporary kitchen table.

I painted the bottom of the step stool in a white to see if I wanted to do the quilt rack that color, this is first coat and not really pleased, Second coat looked better but to stark. I decided to stain it dark first.

The snow let up for a bit then started when I ran to town just before 9 to pickup Britt from work then hurried back to the warm house. She quickly fed the kitties and inside too.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

575 - holy cold snap!! Enclave back

Day 575 was a shocker, the temperature was melting all night taking most of the snow but early in the am the fog rolled in and dropped like a stone from plus 5 to minus 7! with a wind!! YUCK!! Britt and I drove the rental car to town for the last time stopping for the mail before dropping her at school. I then had to go fill it up and take to dropoff and get my enclave!!
 goodbye Chevy Impala, 305 km were enough for me
the Buick enclave all back together :-)

I then filled my car and grabbed teas for the girls at work. I left at 2 and ran errands... dropping toiletries off at the womens shelter from Amanda, Kaylin, Coreena and me. Stopping at Sobey's and finally getting the kisselkraut Dr Dave suggested as best probiotic and digestion aid.
A quick check at Shoppers for gift ideas then to load up on groceries, just as I was leaving town I remembered a parcel card from the mail so off to the parcel depot to find it was Shaina's diploma. Now I could head home just before Britt got home off the bus.

Quiet night for us 2, she spent it in the TV room of course watching PVR shows and gossip girl while I did computer work, had a bath and read. There was a simple supper of rotisserie chicken and fried chow mein noodles. Shaina worked her usual two Tuesday jobs then went to Cluny for a hot tub before coming home later.
 looks like these toes need a pedicure!

Monday 19 November 2012

574 - my Asher Monday

Day 574, I was awake when Sheldon got up for work then back to sleep. I always set my alarm to be sure Britt is up for the bus on Mondays and Fridays but when it went off at 7:25 I could not hear her so checked and she sure enough she was still sleeping. Amazing how she was up and ready for the bus in about 6 minutes. I put a stash of food out for her and off to school she went. I went back to bed about 8 and fell into a coma waking at 9:25, about 5 minutes before Amanda said she was dropping Asher off :-) She was a bit later but seems both Britt and I were cutting it close today!
Asher kept busy with toys including some new ones I pulled out. He became quite a vet and took a shining to Weenie even sleeping with him at nap time. Shaina was up around noon and she took him out to help feed the cats which revived his energy level so no nap until 2 pm.

Sheldon was home from work quick to pack and headed to a course in Edmonton just before 2. Shaina went to town before 3 to work out before work at 4. Britt missed the bus but luckily a teacher Mr Strath who lives in Caresland offered her a ride home. Asher did not sleep really long waking after 3 but kept busy with TV and playing.

Britt, Asher and I watched Cars 2 until he was picked up around 6:15 by his mom then we finished it off. What a good little show!! Shaina arrived home from work just after 9 and we girls watched Hugo until the end messed up, not really worth trying to find the ending, don't highly rate. Spielberg is not winning the Kuhn girls over in last few shows we watched.
 this is Asher making tractor noises :-)
Shaina's wall of family and pets!

Sunday 18 November 2012

573 - final Twilight movie, Breaking Dawn part 2

Day 573 started early with Britt working at 8 am again. The chinook that blew last night continued thru the night and a visible amount of snow was gone by morning as it continued to climb even more. Sheldon brought hot tea back after dropping her off and he watched Changing the Game while I updated the blog

It was then time to sweep and tidy the garage for him while I made another double batch of home made  granola and cleaned. Shaina was up just after 11:30 and just before noon she tacked up Julio and Gail joined them while she ran alongside preparing for her 1/2 marathon.. They were gone for 2 1/2 hours making it almost to town and back.
 the starting line
during the ride snapshot
 nearly home 2 1/2 hours later and about 20 kms and below trusty Julio on auto pilot

Once they were back, I had food made for Julio which he snacked on before Shaina put him back out. I had her a cup of hot soup and she, Sheldon and I loaded up and were off to pick up Britt from work at 3. We headed to the city to meet Travis and Amanda at the movie theater to see the final movie in the Twilight saga, Breaking Dawn part 2. Since there was no line for our 4:30 show being an hour early, we made a quick stop at Costco to pick up Shaina's near 800 pictures including enlargements. The movie was good although there were some changes from the book but it wrapped the series up well.
6:30 Time to load up and head home with a quick stop at Tim's to warm us all up. Back at the ranch I prepared supper of marinated pork tenderloin, perogies and asparagus before we watched Brave. What a cute show! By now it was 10:30 so Sheldon and Britt got ready for bed while Shaina and I watched Super 8. It was great filming for Spielberg but the ending was just OK. I then read my book till 1 while Shaina put pictures in her frames.

Saturday 17 November 2012

572 - KD wins Horse of the Year!

Day 572 had an early start, Britt was up getting ready for work in our room since Dale and Stacie were in the girls bathroom getting ready to go shopping. Sheldon ran her in for work at 8 then came back just before Dale and Stacie headed for the city with a go cup full of coffee I had made them. I had taken out bacon for breakfast but they were gone before I could cook it so I made it and had bacon and tomato sandwiches, yummy!

I spent the morning uploading another 250 pictures to the photo site while Sheldon napped on couch then in bed. Shaina was up and off to meet Gail to go shopping around 11. Travis stopped by just after 12:30, he was planning to do some work at Stouts but the wrong parts changed that plan. He visited till we had to leave for town at 2 to have our infared sauna before picking Britt up from work at 3.

The day was above zero like it has been all week and so sunny. In town there was water melting everywhere. Back at the ranch Dale's had stopped to get other vehicle and headed back to Oyen with their flooring and treasures. Sheldon and I both showered quick to remove any toxins however I did not sweat today in the sauna so may need to drink more water next time. Sheldon did make up for my lack of though. I then loaded up the last of my photos to date , another 83 (at least I hope so.. this does not include the last year of house progress, that will be another time) for a total of 1576 which is a few but at the sale price of .08 each I saved lots :-)

Britt went out to clean Bird's wound that seems to be healing really well although she is worried we should have Dr Julie come in case it impedes her movement. I think she looks as graceful as always when she runs. We could not make last nights Polocrosse awards night with both girls working and Dale and Stacie staying but heard today that KD won horse of the year!! Congrats to her.
I threw in a roasting chicken for supper as Sheldon spent yet more time resting on the couch. Travis came back out later to join us for supper and movies. We watched The Double then Shaina got home from shopping and lobster supper with Brandon and joined us to watch The Cabin in the Woods