Thursday 1 November 2012

556 - Kaylin moves to Calgary

Day 556 was still foggy.. the drive in to school/work was much slower than usual. It did lift a bit later in afternoon but still there.

Shaina left for work about 3:40 but I got a call soon after saying she may have slid into the fence and broke a pole.. you think?

The Enclave pulled her out and off she went to work, soon after the bus dropped Britt off and Sheldon arrived home. A quick bite to eat and more items loaded in the trailer and we were off . First stop for gas and then a Tims tea, by now it was 5:30 and we were Calgary bound.

After a few attempts we managed to secure the loading zone in front of her place and the unpacking began. Unfortunately one of the  elevators was not working so it was a longer process since others needed to get on with each load as well but after about 6 elevator loads it was all up on floor nine. Pizza and beer were served while boxes were moved unpacked and returned to the horse trailer.
 some stuff in the lobby
 then up the elevator , Sheldon and Bill (Aaron's dad)
 Kyle and Aaron
 while Britt and Kaylin organize the kitchen unboxing
 relaxing after getting it all up
 Lexi plays
 and helps carry tools

Just before ten we headed home hitting the forecasted freezing rain halfway there. Shaina decided to stay in town as she babysits in the morning. The rest of us hit the hay soon after getting home just before 11!

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