Thursday 15 November 2012

570 - dublin boots?

Day 570 was another usual day of school and work but at noon I joined back into the work "yoga workout" routine and it felt good actually. I am aiming for Tuesday & Thursday each week until our vacation :-)
Sheldon snapped this shot at work that shows the "stash" better HAHAHAHA

I picked Shaina up from Emily's just after 1 then we dropped eggs at Paetz's and stopped at Lammle's to try the Dublin boots. There was one style there but online I found a couple more. We have 2 of the styles coming in for her to try. Fingers crossed they fit as the will be about half price of Alberta boots.
 these 2 are coming in
 the one below I really like so will try to find
I made a quick stop at Canadian Tire to do a couple returns then Shaina and I headed for home. She needed to get ready for work at 4 and cooked a pizza for her supper. I did searching for the boots and uploading of photos.. I am betting that over a year will warrant many photos sent in to print.

Britt brought the bus home taking time to feed the cats and check Bird's wound. It has almost healed over!! YAHOOO!! Sheldon enjoyed a rest after supper while I continued to load photos and Britt watched her TV shows. Shaina was home from work around 11. By nights end I had loaded 498 photos and that only got me to June 2012 and not including Jamaica, polocrosse and graduation!! Looks like lots more tomorrow to upload

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