Saturday 10 November 2012

565 - sunny snowy saturday Nov 10

Day 565 I was awake at 7:30 checking Britt was awake getting ready for work, she works at 8 am! Sheldon ran her in and brought back hot chai teas! The sun was shining and the snow glistened. Lexi and Kaylin were up fairly soon after but since I was awake I let her head back to bed around 9 for a bit longer keeping the playful puppy with me.

Sheldon was excited to push snow again stopping to eat some breakfast and make coffee and back out he went to take a bale to the horses. I started a fire and baked regular banana breads as well as a new healthy almond flour banana bread recipe. It was very good.
At 1 a couple stopped out to see out table and bought it right away so we loaded it and sent them off. I was then inspired to vacuum and wash the floors and move furniture.
 looks so bare and open without the table
 furniture rearranged.. just how I like.. change at least once a year
below one of the stools in place close up
The girls finally got moving after 2 but decided to go to town in the truck feigning picking up Brittany from work at 3 but were actually tanning and did not want to drive either of their own cars!! Sheldon continued doing things outside like stating black beauty skidoo and making a path for the wood man to get into the back yard.

The girls were back around 3:30 and about quarter to 4 the Stickman showed up with the wood delivery as did Shannon to go skidooing Kaylin stayed with Lexi who was left on the couch after a nap and she peed on my couch. I took it all apart and washed it. Covers did shrink but hoping with use it will stretch some.
Kaylin headed to town for work just after 4:30. I made a chicken supper and Shannon joined us. Just after 7:30 Shaina and Shannon headed to town and Britt went to bed for a nap. She woke up at 10 saying she forgot to give Lexi her medicine. I said I have given it to her and sent her back to bed sleeping till morning. Sheldon ran a fresh banana bread over to Marvin and Elaine with a thank you card for letting us ride thru their fields. He also grabbed some wine for gifts while there.

Sheldon and I watched Dream House starting at 8, it was a great thriller then started Red Lights but both got dozy so headed to bed where he immediately went to sleep and I read till 11. Kaylin got home from work at 4 am and Shaina was dropped at 4:30 having me open the locked door for her.

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