Tuesday 6 November 2012

561 - last carrot harvest

Day 561..started reallllly early, like 2:50 am. A coyote was right in the yard carrying on with a high squeal. Sheldon eventually woke and got his gun, even Shaina came up to find out the cause. He was just by the garden shed but when Sheldon cracked the door to go out he left. Either the slight noise or spotting Sheldon in his underwear scared him off. It was back to bed but I could not sleep so read for an hour or so.

The alarm went off  and it was up and off to school/work. Shaina babysat Asher today. I was lucky enough to still have gift card money at bangles so today at 12:30 I enjoyed a microderm abrasion facial! Fantastic feeling but not so looking :-) I skipped errands and headed home to the ranch by 2:30. Time to dig up the last harvest of carrots now that the snow melted.

it was relaxing time for all after school and work, I was planning pork chops for supper but imagine my surprise when I opened the packed to find side pork.. that changed my whole meal plan!! It was good but not as expected.
After supper Britt raced back to the TV room, since helping Kaylin move she has been obsessed with the gossip girl boxed series she borrowed from her sister. Britt gets obsessed with series :-) I jumped in the tub to relax and wash off the "oils" of my facial while Sheldon ran a bale out to the horses who eagerly awaited his arrival. He and I started to watch a few PVR shows but by 8:30 he was out. I watched and read my book. Shaina stayed in town at Jenna's after working two jobs 9 till 9.

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