Friday 2 November 2012

557 - treasure day!!!

Day 557, Britt up and off on the bus. Sheldon and I were up at 9, he showered and headed to town with garbage and recycling and had an appointment at the lawyers wanting to look into redoing our will. The fog rolled in thick at 10 am again. He was back at 11:30 when a gal stopped to pickup all Kaylin's moving boxes.
Britt's photographs on solo display at school

By 12:30 he and I were off to the city. First stop was Play Factory to get a new trampoline but it seems they needed some time to build so then it was off to Lauren Lane to pick up the long awaited chalk paint. I choose confidence and chalk as my 2 stool colors. We had to speed to our chiropractor appointments and had a bit of a time finding her new location. Marcy is a great chiropractor and highly recommend her at Motion Chiropractor.

Next stop was Home Sense to return a couple things and get others then off to Costco. It has been quite some time since we have been so it was stock up time. Vitamix was demonstrating so we grabbed a 32 oz. dry container to make fresh flour that I have been in search of.. quinoa, rice, almond etc. I am very excited to try that. Sheldon was thrilled as his seafood lady was there so he loaded up with crab and lobster for our traditional New Years seafood feast dinner!

By now it was 5 so we started out for home but not before stopping to get a Starbucks treat. I had been seeing the ads for my favorite fall pumpkin spice latte so we stopped to grab one for the drive home. Sheldon tried the creme brule, both were scrumptious.

Back at the ranch, we unloaded the truck and found the roomba had been delivered. What a great day of treasures! Shaina got home from work and helping Brandon move around 8 so we all went to watch a couple movies. We started with Prometheus but after about half and hour we shut it off, Sci-fi is not our thing. We then watched Safe which we all liked. Movie night ended at 11 with a plate of California rolls and bed. Another successful day!!
"Ruby" charging for the night

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