Monday 19 November 2012

574 - my Asher Monday

Day 574, I was awake when Sheldon got up for work then back to sleep. I always set my alarm to be sure Britt is up for the bus on Mondays and Fridays but when it went off at 7:25 I could not hear her so checked and she sure enough she was still sleeping. Amazing how she was up and ready for the bus in about 6 minutes. I put a stash of food out for her and off to school she went. I went back to bed about 8 and fell into a coma waking at 9:25, about 5 minutes before Amanda said she was dropping Asher off :-) She was a bit later but seems both Britt and I were cutting it close today!
Asher kept busy with toys including some new ones I pulled out. He became quite a vet and took a shining to Weenie even sleeping with him at nap time. Shaina was up around noon and she took him out to help feed the cats which revived his energy level so no nap until 2 pm.

Sheldon was home from work quick to pack and headed to a course in Edmonton just before 2. Shaina went to town before 3 to work out before work at 4. Britt missed the bus but luckily a teacher Mr Strath who lives in Caresland offered her a ride home. Asher did not sleep really long waking after 3 but kept busy with TV and playing.

Britt, Asher and I watched Cars 2 until he was picked up around 6:15 by his mom then we finished it off. What a good little show!! Shaina arrived home from work just after 9 and we girls watched Hugo until the end messed up, not really worth trying to find the ending, don't highly rate. Spielberg is not winning the Kuhn girls over in last few shows we watched.
 this is Asher making tractor noises :-)
Shaina's wall of family and pets!

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