Monday 5 November 2012

560 - snow almost gone, plus 10 day

Day 560, note to change your bedroom clock when time changes so alarm does not go off an hour earlier :-0)! Sheldon was off to work and soon Britt was on the bus. It is now light when she gets on at 7:30, for awhile at least. The snow was continuing to melt and the horses were racing around bucking and playing. I was up by 8:30 when Britt called saying she forgot her binder and I must drive it in immediately. I suggested I will send with Auntie Manda when she drops Asher off. I then started to buff the wax on the stools.

Amanda dropped him at 9:30 and our day together began. I rubbed the wax while he played toys.

pictures I missed posting from Halloween, left is Britt and Brooke squared making candy apples and left is Asher penguin
At 1:30 Asher went down for a nap. I put another coat on the top of the stools after screwing them back together to get the solid color I was wanting. I am going to add a number to each one once they dry. Like chalk paint this is another trend, numbering everything but I do like the idea for stools.

Being plus 10 all day, by late afternoon most of the snow was gone. Diego stayed out for the day and Coco for most too. I started sorting my last order of photos from November 2011.. there were only  740 from jan-aug 2011. Not only sort but see what ones I missed and put into albums. Asher was up around 3 and he played and helped me look on the computer to organize. Britt went to the basement one home from school.
After getting home form work, Sheldon went up to check the stack on the furnace and in the attic as I hear a drip in the wall of the closet today. Everything looks OK. At 5:45 Amanda stopped to pick Asher up. Sheldon had started tacos for supper and prepared the add ins too while I continued to sort. I carried on sorting, putting in albums and ordering missing pictures until 11:30. Sheldon headed to bed to read at 9 and was soon asleep. Shaina arrived home at 11, I finally went to bed and read for awhile.

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