Wednesday 21 November 2012

576 - snow arrives

Day 576 was still bone chilling, fog and hoar frost filled the air. Britt and I took the truck to town to pickup a kitchen table I won on an auction site for $5.
I picked it up at noon just before I picked Britt up from school to run her to Lammle's to try boots on. Shaina met us there only having to babysit Asher until noon. Britt had luck with a pair but Shaina needs another size to try.
these are Britt's choice.

Lunch break was up for Britt so after dropping her back at school I met Shaina for lunch at The Roadhouse. I had the most delicious spinach salad and she enjoyed the taco salad.
I then met a lady to purchase another online item, a carhartt jacket Britt has been wanting.
I then ran Shaina's tip wad to the bank to deposit in her travel fund before heading home. She was already home jumping in the shower.
the gate keeper Julio, for a rub you may pass, actually he would prefer a snack
The snow started to come down just after 3, thank goodness I had a warm fire raging. Britt works after school till nine. Shaina painted my toes before she went to town after 4:30. It seems to wish for simple things and they happen! (last night tub observation) She has supper, workout then yoga date with Gail then Kaylin is taking her to the city for a sleepover bringing her back when they both work tomorrow.
 she calls this color combination "mermaid"
I found out last night that Sheldon does not come home tonight but rather tomorrow night so looks like it is cheezies for me for supper!! :-) I set up our new temporary kitchen table.

I painted the bottom of the step stool in a white to see if I wanted to do the quilt rack that color, this is first coat and not really pleased, Second coat looked better but to stark. I decided to stain it dark first.

The snow let up for a bit then started when I ran to town just before 9 to pickup Britt from work then hurried back to the warm house. She quickly fed the kitties and inside too.

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