Sunday 18 November 2012

573 - final Twilight movie, Breaking Dawn part 2

Day 573 started early with Britt working at 8 am again. The chinook that blew last night continued thru the night and a visible amount of snow was gone by morning as it continued to climb even more. Sheldon brought hot tea back after dropping her off and he watched Changing the Game while I updated the blog

It was then time to sweep and tidy the garage for him while I made another double batch of home made  granola and cleaned. Shaina was up just after 11:30 and just before noon she tacked up Julio and Gail joined them while she ran alongside preparing for her 1/2 marathon.. They were gone for 2 1/2 hours making it almost to town and back.
 the starting line
during the ride snapshot
 nearly home 2 1/2 hours later and about 20 kms and below trusty Julio on auto pilot

Once they were back, I had food made for Julio which he snacked on before Shaina put him back out. I had her a cup of hot soup and she, Sheldon and I loaded up and were off to pick up Britt from work at 3. We headed to the city to meet Travis and Amanda at the movie theater to see the final movie in the Twilight saga, Breaking Dawn part 2. Since there was no line for our 4:30 show being an hour early, we made a quick stop at Costco to pick up Shaina's near 800 pictures including enlargements. The movie was good although there were some changes from the book but it wrapped the series up well.
6:30 Time to load up and head home with a quick stop at Tim's to warm us all up. Back at the ranch I prepared supper of marinated pork tenderloin, perogies and asparagus before we watched Brave. What a cute show! By now it was 10:30 so Sheldon and Britt got ready for bed while Shaina and I watched Super 8. It was great filming for Spielberg but the ending was just OK. I then read my book till 1 while Shaina put pictures in her frames.

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