Friday 16 November 2012

571 - Dale & Stacie visit

Day 571 I was up early making sure Britt was up for the bus. I read until about 1am last night but could not stay awake to finish the last 10 pages of book 3 of Mortal series so at 9:30 I finished the book, now I am ready to start book 4!
Shaina was off to babysit Asher for the day just after 9 and Britt worked after school
Mitzy earning her keep.. as Coco and the rest (not visible) watch enviously as she plays with the mouse

Sheldon has today off so loaded recyclables and garbage and headed to town about 12:30 as he had massage number 2 for this week.. What a lucky guy he is!!! I spent the day uploading photos and reloading after errors and by supper had another 745 ready to order.

Sheldon cleaned out the fireplace and started a fire. Dale arrived at 6 and Stacie just after him, we enjoyed a nice visit and chili supper. We then watched a couple movies- The Campaign and SkyFall. Shaina brought Britt home from work around 9:30, Thanks Shaina!!

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