Saturday 3 November 2012

558 - chalk paint stools

Day 558 had an early start for Sheldon. The phone rang at 5:30 am and it was the plant, off he went in the dark to resolve the issues. He returned at 9:30 just after I had got up and put "Ruby" to work. He brought with him chai teas from Tims!!! Great way to start yet another foggy day.

Ruby cleaned for just about 2 hours before docking herself to recharge. I think we will have to try again after she recharges but the estimated tine of 25 minutes per room will have to be longer when our open concept has a few rooms in one. She also had issues with the black and grey rug. I think perhaps she thinks the solid black edging looks like a drop off? But so far I would not rate highly..but think it is the size of our open main floor and being a first clean that might be an issue.
she did grab some dust on her route

While she cleaned I updated the blog and moved things up out of her way. I washed up my stools for painting today. Sheldon ate and read the papers while enjoying his tea before going to the garage to put skid steer door back on.After cleaning I set about to paint. The girls were finally rousted up to have some soup I made at 1:30 pm!! They then put towels in the new shelves before Shaina left for work at 4.

stools before
this color is called confidence and is darker than it shows in the photo

original plan was to just do tops blue and bottoms white but not feeling it
 so tried one full blue and the other 2 variations but still did not like it so painted them all full blue
At 2:30 he was called back out to work again. At 5, just as the fog started to lift, I finished the 2nd coat on the stools so started up Ruby again. For sure she will not vacuum black carpet and when I put her on the rug she just spins and stops on the grey area.. crap! So I gave her the front entry and hallway to do then my bedroom. She did not like the bedroom, the shag carpet was too much hassle, she would error the brushes needed cleaning for hair :-) So I moved her to basement low pile and she did great until we found her in Britt's room with the hair error HAHAHA. By now she was getting tired and wanted to dock so back upstairs.
Britt helped me refold towels in their bathroom and I organized the towels as well as the main floor linen since some towels came back up there. It was 7 and still no sign of Sheldon so I took a pinterest break before starting supper just after 7:30 when he text he would be leaving soon. He arrived home just after 8, we enjoyed a yum steak supper at 8:30 and by 9 we were down watching Captain America.

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