Tuesday 3 July 2012

435 - more rain

Day 435 started with rain coming down at 6:30 am and not ending till around 11. I headed to work while Sheldon and Britt slept in. Sheldon took this week off to work on the brick work but seems this am is no work day. The internet repairman came at 10 and moved the dish to the roof, saying this will get better reception, hmmm. I grabbed teas and breakfast for Coreeena and myself and headed home form work at 1 pm.

I did make a stop to get oil for the swather, drop Kaylin's eggs off and say hi to little man Asher before grabbing a couple groceries and finally the prescription for Shaina. I made it home in time to catch Shaina just done her conditioning ride and getting ready for work at both Target and The Station. She is going to spend the night with Kaylin as her doctor appointment for the shot is at 8:40 am then she babysits for Asher tomorrow.

I got home just after 1:30 pm, Britt was lazing around having only spent the morning checking on her kitties. Sheldon was working on the bricks finally after the rain had let up but the wind was coming in. For me it was time to clean, laundry and update the blog and load homecoming photos on facebook. Just before supper Sheldon and I planted the dwarf lilac in its new home so it could take root.

 the trailer got parked back in the newly mowed area
 and the brick layer was busy, don't let the sunshine fool you
 the trees below show the force of the dang wind.. there was actual severe wind warnings out

 I checked the kitties and watered plants. Suddenly there was a loud smash and I turned to see the wind had caught the skid steer door, shattering it everywhere. Dang!!!
 all the glass behind him and removing the door

In the house I made steel head, rice and fresh ceasar salad from the garden. I forced Britt to clean her room and bathroom but not sure there is much progress.

After supper, Sheldon worked on the island rocks. At 9 I went out to mow for an hour, getting stuck for the first time ever. A quick walk back to the house to grab quad, Sheldon and gas and I was off again. Britt took Bird out for her ride then too. Again I read till close to 2 am. :-)

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