Sunday 15 July 2012

447 - Can VS USA test match July 15th

Day 447 is the big test match day. The weather is dreary overcast but on the good side we did get a wee bit of rain and the horses will not heat up as much during play. Sheldon was up at 9 cruising the internet looking for hay prices and such. I lazed a bit longer getting up at 10 to give Daisy her last shot of oxi-tet. She is feeling much more energetic and her stools are firming up which is the sign of success. I talked to the vet and her says I can pull the catheter today and keep her alone for one more day before her release back into the herd.

Sheldon cooked up a yummy sausage, tater tot and scrambled egg breakfast. Shaina joined us to eat before she headed to work at the station at 10:45. She works till 4 so it will be a tight timeline to get to the city for the test match. Britt was up a little after going out to open the kitty door then eating. Miss Tessa enjoyed a real good sleep in till after 11:30.

Just after 11:30 and washing up all the pots and pans!, Sheldon took his load of bales to the neighbors while I updated the blog waiting for it to dry a bit more before going to mow grass. Around 12:30 Sheldon got back and worked on leveling while I went out and mowed for 2 hours. Tessa went for a quick jog while Britt cleaned her room!! I pulled Daisy catheter at 3 and removed what was left of the slinky.

 Sheldon scraping areas level
 the catheter as it was sewn in and below pulled with a bandage on
I also tried to fix my sticky flash

Unfortunately the rain was coming down in buckets in Calgary so the test match was cancelled :-(. However I whipped up a macaroni salad and after Shaina arrived home from work we all loaded up and headed into the city to Plant's house for a bon voyage pot luck supper for the two USA members heading home tomorrow. It was a great time and we even took in the final nights fireworks from the overpass near them where we could see all 5 venues setting them off at once. The tired group loaded up, hit Tims and a gas station on the way home getting back to the ranch at midnight!

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