Wednesday 18 July 2012

450 - Tessa celebrates 18 AB style

Day 450 is Tessa's 18th birthday. Lucky for this Texan she is in Alberta where the legal age is 18. The girls plan to take her shopping and then we will all go out to the station to celebrate later.
Sheldon found this magpie trying to steal Diego's bone Sunday morning so he snapped a quick picture.

For Britt and I, it was an early morning as she had a dental appointment for impressions to remake her retainers at 8:30 am. We then dropped Coco of with Cara for her spa day, then it was off to my work where Britt read for the morning while I worked. At noon we went to the bank and picked up Coco before heading to the ranch.

I made Tessa her favorite soup for lunch, chicken noodle. Shaina had left for work at station from 11:30-2:30. But she was feeling sick so came home early. The impressions were done so I asked to to drop at my work to send by courier but after she left there she puked on her car door on way home. She tried to sleep and take gravol but still felt crappy so at 3, Britt, Tessa and I went shopping at Chinook for 5 hours. It was a successful trip for all with birthday supper at the food court! Britt's highlight was she got her 2nd holes in her ears!! for less than the tattoo place in town.

Sheldon as lucky enough to be invited to a crop tour barbeque at the neighbors after work then came home later to water trees.

Back home at 9 pm, Shaina felt better, ready to take Tessa out on the town. I ran Britt to Hannah's for a sleep over and once back the girls left to party it up. By now it was nearly 10 and I had to work in morning so bowed out of the trip to the bar. They were back out for a campfire at just after midnight. Sheldon set up the pit full of wood for them.

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