Saturday 14 July 2012

446 - polox jackpot July 14

Day 446 had us all up eating breakfast, catching horses, and administering medication to Daisy before heading out at 10am to our Saturday polox jackpot. Play started around 11:30 What a fun jackpot it was yet again. The weather was nice, overcast yet 25 so easier on the horses and riders.

We loaded up and headed for home just after 3. Once back home Shaina showered and headed to work at the station 5 till 10. We unloaded horses and then I made supper with fresh garden lettuce salad, fresh cauliflower cooked in the usual Parmesan recipe along with spaghetti and garlic toast.

the dog house gets moved into place

 with the new cushion I picked up.. luxury!
 the destroyed slinky on the perkier Daisy
 Diego tries his new house.. with his bone of course
 so then Coco tries it

After supper, I did laundry, accounting and updating the blog while Sheldon moved gravel to shore the edges of the sidewalk frame as well as around the island then loaded a load of Bales for a neighbor. Britt and Tessa showered and watched yet more movies. Britt did take a break and cleaned kitty litter box. I ran out to give Daisy her last shot of banamine just after 9 as the rain started. Shaina got home just after 10 and her and Tessa went to the Lyalta cabaret. Sheldon, Britt and I watched The Great Outdoors, a John Candy classic before retiring around 12:30. The girls got home at 3 am.

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