Wednesday 11 July 2012

443 - trail ride in the mountains

Day 443 was an early morning as Jeff was out to work on the sidewalk at 6:10. I was up at 8 to get ready and meet the vet at 8:30. Rand the vet confirmed Daisy had good vitals but overactive tummy and along with the diarrhea it most likely is Potomac fever and began treatment. Treatment is 5 daily doses of oxi-tetracycline and bed rest, which for her means sequestered to small pen alone and she hates it! She has a catheter sewn in her neck to administer the drugs each day. Shaina covered the bandages with a slinky so she will be bat girl for a few days.
 antiseptic scrub being made
 and the IV being inserted
 Diego happy to show off his dirt covered bone
 and wrapped all up..
 meds for Miss Daisy for next 4 days
bat girl at rest

Once we got her all fixed up, Shaina, Tessa, Britt and I loaded 4 ponies and at 10:15 we pulled out to meet Allison, Connie and Bri at Mesa Butte to ride. The bad luck followed us here. On the way I realized I did not bring fire starter for the hot dogs. Just after getting out of the truck Britt remembered her retainers but could not find on the ground or in the truck. We all searched but no luck even moving the trailer all around.. UGH This is not good financially or teeth wise for the B! Soon after Connie realized her keys were locked in her truck! Up curly sands we went until we could get cell reception to call Diane to bring a set out and fire wood and fire!

Shaina making the call
 Bri and Tessa our USA guests
 Britt and Bri
 the group and hawk`s ears

 creek time
Shaina and Tessa making a wiener stick
 and finally cooking with it
We continued our ride only to have Beck cut her back foot but she was a trooper and carried on. Back at the trailers Diane arrived with keys and matches and we bucketed horses with water at the creek to cool them off and then had a wiener roast. At about 3:15 after another look for the retainers, we pulled out leaving Tessa with the group to go to Banff tomorrow and headed home.
 lettuce out of the garden

Back at the ranch we unloaded horses releasing them into the winter pasture Sheldon had removed all the bales from and hosed and doctored becks foot.Shaina headed off to work at the Station 5-9:30. Supper was delicious steak supper. after supper I had a shower and rest then cleaned and updated the blog while Sheldon stacked bales in groups till around 10. Britt fed Bird and Julio and watched TV until 11, then she screamed claiming to see a mouse. Britt slept upstairs and Shaina had Coco! :-) Sheldon set a trap line of 5 traps..lets see what morning brings.

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