Friday 20 July 2012

452 - tidy Friday July 20

Day 452 was an overcast dreary day but 22. I had a wake up call from the u pick lady to drop money off for Britt & Tessa just before 9. Then it was tidy Friday for me. Sheldon had a bite to eat and eventually headed out to install electricity on the pole and eventually the light. They confirmed that tomorrow 7:30 am the sidewalk pour will take place. This changed our plans to go to Waterton for sure. If the polox tournament was indeed still on the girls and I would have went but it was changed to just trail ride so we will go closer tomorrow for an over nighter. Darren came and loaded and took home his 20 bales.
At noon Auntie Candace and the boys stopped for a visit on the way to the city. I rousted the girls up for the visit and lunch. They brought the kitties in to play too. At just after 1 the Lamberts carried on to the mall and Sheldon went to town to pick up some items needed.

Britt and Tessa began the cake pop making process. I went out to water my garden and the girls loaded wood for tomorrow. I put cylence on the horses while Britt fed the skinnies. Those two rails need more yet. Sheldon ran to town (on his way put out sign on the bale) and grabbed hay cubes for our trail ride then Jeff stopped at 3 to be sure all the forms were ready for morning pour.

 light switch progress
 my zuccinni plant

my new herb mincer in action
before and after

The girls went out to ride and practice before supper while I cooked up homemade meat sauce, pasta, sauteed spinach and Sheldon made a huge salad, much of the supper from our garden. After supper Shaina ran to town to run errands. Sheldon headed over to Stouts around 7:30 to help with a light issue then Darren came back with him around 8:30 to put our light on the pole. Kaylin followed Shaina back home at around this time too but raced for home just before 10 when a huge rain with some hail storm rolled in.

Britt and Tessa finished their cake pops but they ended up not as planned and were dumped into the garbage :-( Britt hit the sheets and the rest of us watched "she's the man" around the island eating pistachios.

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