Sunday 22 July 2012

454 - trail ride and back to the ranch

Day 454 was another lovely day in the mountains. I was up at 9 and fed the horses. The girls slowly got up after me and after fruit and bologna/pepperoni sandwich breakfast we were off on our venture at 10:30.

It was so nice to find a new place to ride. We ventured out on the longer of one trail only to find allot of logging happening. After about an hour we doubled back and took the ridge loop. Lovely views were all around. We were back at the camp just after 1 pm. All the girls pitched in and we loaded tack, had another sandwich and snacks before hopping the ponies in the trailer and heading for the ranch at 1:45. We met Chad to get Tessa's polox racquet at the red deer church and arrived home at 3:15, so it is a close venture to ride.

Back at the ranch we saw Sheldon's progress on the bottom rail on the fence! Nice! I mowed the south area where trailers and bales are before parking the horse trailer then watered my garden and picked more lettuce for supper. Fresh garden salad, sweet potatoes, veggies and hamburgers rounded out the supper menu at 6:15. Soon after Shaina headed to town to take in Emily's birthday party while Britt and Tessa helped clean up and then watched movies.
 sidewalk a day later
 the fence bottom rail on
 my mowed area and bales
 this cracks us all up, the dog waterer
 one of my poppies blooming
 a glimpse at the rail work
Sheldon threw up 5 more rails before running out of bolts.I updated the blog, started laundry and then hauled loose salt/minerals to refill the fatty pen and locked them all out of that field to to grow. This required me to move the 20lb salt block to the field for them too. Sheldon rested his foot on ice as he thinks his planter fasciitis is coming back. Shaina was back at 10 and they watched even more movies late into the night.

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