Wednesday 4 July 2012

436 - the hay comes down July 4th

Day 436 was a sunny yet windy day but a great day to take the hay down after all this rain. Sheldon started it after I left for work and he lazed around :-) Britt took over just after 11. I came home form work at noon to find her going full force. Sheldon was eating lunch so after I grabbed a tuna bun he and I headed to the gate to weed eat the long grass around planters, posts, tree and culvert while I drilled holes in the flooded barrel planters and trimmed the poplar tree in the ditch and pulled weeds. Diego and Coco are always excited to race the quad to the gate and back one plowing thru water and waterever is in his way!
 Britt swathing

Back at the house I watered the garden, pulled another cauliflower :-( GRRRRR, replanted a hens and chick planter while Sheldon grabbed a bucket of dirt and we planted the top grafted dwarf lilac. Next on my agenda was to trim Miss Beck's feet. I had reset up the grazing area so a few lawn mowers were hard at work. Sheldon went back to work on the bricks after bringing him and me a refreshment for a quick break.

Shaina went early to doctor and after all the fuss they booked her a month early so it was all for not. Anyway she then headed to Amanda's to babysit Asher for her first time from 9:30-5:30. Britt stopped the swather at 6 to get ready. As soon as she got home we all loaded up and grabbed some snacks and headed to Calgary to "meet and greet" the American polox riders who are here for the USA VS Can test match. After a fun night of visiting , we made a pit stop at Tims and were back at the ranch around 11 where everyone hit the sheets.

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