Thursday 12 July 2012

444 - muggy overcast hot 31 day

Day 444 was an early start. Jeff was out just after 6 to finish forming sidewalk for tomorrows pour then my Uncle Don called at 6:40. HMMMM no sleep in for us. Daisy was out of her pen so Sheldon went to catch her and put back and checked the trap line to find indeed a mouse was caught.. BE GONE you nasty creature. Shaina and I headed out to give Daisy her meds for the day only to find the catheter was bent and cracked. A call to the vet had them coming at lunch to replace it UGH. Sheldon had Blake help him put up the light pole when he came to borrow the skid steer. I headed off to work now late while Shaina and Britt were left to clean out the truck and horses trailer living area.

Before heading home at lunch I dropped 2 hoodies Britt sold online to a gal then scooted home. Shaina was making soup and sandwiches! However the vet came so it was outside to catch daisy. She had a new longer catheter sewn in the other side of her neck and he injected her dose of oxi-tet IV and flunixin and left me heparin syringes to flush with to prevent clots. He upped her status to needing fluids administered and

Around 2 Sheldon went back out to finish the top layer on the south end of the island then weed eated back yard. I updated the blog and did laundry, Shaina went to work out then to work from 5- 9:30 at the station and Britt played with the kittens and reclused to the basement to watch TV in the cool.

final coping stone goes in and the island is finished, wait now need more dirt and top mulch but that is to come
isn't that sweet, they all come to visit Daisy in the infirmary!

I watered the garden and picked a fresh spinach salad with blueberries and strawberries from the yard too along with fresh cilantro. I was feeling a bit bah hum bug about gardening after all the pests but these fresh items make me feel much better. Britt trimmed Sheldon's hair. I put a roast on the barbeque.
 scrumptious produce from my garden
At around 5:30 the vet tech came out and administered a 4L bag of fluid to daisy as well as more banamine (flunixin) and did a blood test. They will be back in the morning to give her more fluids and meds. At 7 she was done. I came in and finished my home made salsa and made quinoa with cilantro too. Funny thing, at supper when Sheldon went to carve the roast, we found indeed it was a large ball of hamburger.. mmmm barbequed meatloaf.. it was very good! After supper just after 8 Sheldon went to grade the yard, Britt washed dishes and I continued to update blog for last 5 days and download photos.Sheldon got a text the morning sidewalk pour is pushed to Monday :(
 Daisy hooked to IV fluids at our make shift hospital stall
At about quarter to 9, Uncle Don, Aunty Mindy and their friends Kim & Bill Smith and Gary stopped out for a visit. Brooke came around 9:30 for a sleep over and Shaina got home from work at just after 10. The guests headed back to the hotel about 10:30. Shaina headed to Kate's for a girls fire and sleep over around 11. Tessa stayed the night at Connie's to take in practice after Banff. Britt and Brooke watched movies till 2 when they remembered to go close the kitty door when the rain finally rolled in after thunder and lightening around 11 on.

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