Sunday 8 July 2012

440 - test match mixed july 8

Day 440 had another late start. It was going to be a hot one from early on.Shaina woke me at 9 looking for her retainer with success. She and Brandon were headed to stampede at 9:30. I enjoyed my tea on the deck but had to move to covered deck as it was already warm. After a belly full of eggs, sausage, toast and fruit breakfast made by Sheldon, he headed out to work on the island cutting and placing the top stones while I watered the garden and such.

 Britt and Tessa off to quad
 free range lawn mowers
 ripe delicious blueberries
 trimming up the bird for play

Britt, Coco and Tessa went for a quad ride in the early after noon. The Paetz family stoppped around 2:45 for a quick visit and to grab a spade. Britt trimmed Bird up and by 4 we had loaded 4 horses and were off to Calgary for the mixed test match. Shaina and Brandon met us there. It was a very warm but fun night for those playing and watching. Shaina and Tessa along with Krystalle tied with Brittany, Bri and Connie but it was Brittany in the sudden death match who scored the winning goal.

After the games it was social hour before heading home around 9:30. Showers all around and then it was movie night for the girls. Bizarre that at almost midnight it is still 22 degrees!! They say tomorrow will be even hotter and the hottest day of the year so far.
 this is a quick snap of the fog all over around Langdon on the way home!

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