Friday 13 July 2012

445 - Johnny Ried concert Friday the 13th

Day 445 was a cooler day in comparison to the last week or more. At noon it is only 26! The vet was out just after 9:30 and as I had Daisy caught and waiting it was fairly easy to administer her oxi-tet, flunixin (to prevent founder and intestinal damage) and 4 more liters of fluids. I will give her another flunixin shot tonight and twice a day along with oxi and the hep flush. Sheldon headed to the Carseland colony to get a load of gravel around 10. Daisy was done her bag around 11 so I came to the house for a shower before heading to pickup Tessa. I continued the laundry too. Once back Sheldon hooked up the battery connection for the dump trailer, another task he had been putting off.

looking out the window here is the scene..hahaha a wind sock and she was eating like that too so sent Britt out to rescue the damsel in distress. She called her name and Daisy lifted her head and swung her flag around to the voice, it was humorous.

 seems she broke the belly clip, this was just the start of the destruction of the slinky
love the stool

I updated the blog quick and while looking thru emails found a photo I forgot to post. This is the night of July 5th when were were all at the parade sleep over and Sheldon was home at the ranch. I had called him as we heard a tornado warning for our area. He snapped this photo.
I headed to Langdon to get Tessa at 12:45 and Sheldon left soon after for another load of gravel. Brooke was picked up just when Tessa and I got back around 1:30. Tessa was so glad to shower and we threw in a load of her clothes too. Back home and unloaded, at 2:45 Sheldon went for gravel load number 3 of the day. So much for forecasted cooler day, they said 25 and at 3 it is 31!
 here is D's poor little (ok big) nose, it was even bleeding, he just loves his bone so much
 the southwest burger at Lounge Burger
 the new dog house
 in the parking lot
 off to Stampede park

He got back just before 4 and jumped it the shower. We stopped in town for cash and headed to NE Calgary to pickup Diego's custom built house before heading to the Johnny Reid concert. Supper was at the Lounge Burger, very good and they even had $25 parking too. Next we braved the crowd at Stampede park to get to the concert. What a fantastic concert he puts on, so interactive and entertaining. The opening act was the Stellas and they were good as well, he did have Theo Feury as a guest singer. That kinda brought eh pumped up mood down but I guess if you are famous at one thing they let you try others :-)

After the concert we thought about having a beer on the grounds but it was far to busy so off we went to find a place to park and watch the fireworks. Talisman center was the place after much time spent driving around the city. Sitting atop the new dog house, it was fabulous as ever. We were back home half past midnight where Shaina helped me give Daisy her banamine and heparin flush shots. Shaina had babysat all day and then worked till close of target. Britt and Tessa spent the evening conditioning horses and watching movies. They happened to be watching a scary one when we got home so no one wanted to catch Daisy and have her ready in the dark. Shaina would walk out with me thank goodness, she claims she then went to bed but I know the other 2 watched "funny" movie to get rid of the scaries!

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