Thursday 5 July 2012

437 - off to stampede parade

Day 437 was a busy day. Britt was up and on the swather by 8 all on her own. I got up to check and stayed up flogging Shaina who had horses to ride before they all bathed them for the parade. her and Tessa went for a quick ride I think around 9:10. Sheldon and I enjoyed a hot beverage on the deck in the gorgeous morning sunshine entertained by the kitties. Britt finished the field at 10 and got ready to work on horses but we found Bird limping. Good thing I did beck's feet as she was the next in line so she started the beautification process with hair trimming then bath. Shaina and Tessa follwed in with their 2 horses.

It was then loading time for food, drinks, blankets, tack clothes etc and by just after 1 all us girls were off meeting Grama and Papa coming in as we went out. Sheldon stayed home to work on the bricks and care for the pets. Out the gate I saw we needed gas so it was to town and then to Calgary arriving at Fort Calgary at 2:30. Horses were put in pens and the fun began. A barbeque supper and entertainment were supplied with fireworks around 11. Of course in stampede tradition the rain arrived forcing the party into our horse trailer which was very entertaining. It might have been a fairly late night for some but at least the girls went to bed early! Good girls!

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