Friday 31 August 2012

494 - last day of August

Day 494 came to early since I went to sleep so late. Sheldon was not really feeling that great so slept in a bit so scrambled out of the house quickly. I was then awake and text him a few things I did not get a chance to share last night then dozed. At 7 I got up and text Britt to be up then must have dozed again cause my alarm went off at 7:25 and she was not up and the bus comes at 7:36! Well she too was scrambling. I watched to be sure the bus could turn around the island but due to extra cars and where parked he did have to back up. But soon she was off to school and I was back in bed to sleep for another hour.

At 10 Shaina and Shannon got up and made ichiban after Shaina let out the kitties, even bringing them in for snuggles. Once done they headed back to bed. This was not quite my plan as I wanted Shaina to hose the two then close the gate and let them graze but she had other ideas. Finally at 12:30 after a few threats she went out and hosed and closed the gate.

I spent the entire morning doing books and working on GST finally paying and finishing up at 2 pm!! Every time I say I am going to do some each month..LOL

Shaina and Shanon took Daisy and Pepper out bareback and Shaina agreed Miss Daisy is "ailing" with some stomach issues residing from Potomac. Looks like she is now on pasture rest till spring. The girls headed in to the golf course to work till close.

 and porky went to the spa again but the puddle is getting lower

he is hoping for a good rain I think to fill he spa pool

Sheldon snuck home just before 3 and crawled into bed :-) I went out and spent an hour in my garden watering and trimming and then went and planted perennials in my gate planters hoping they will overwinter. Andy the soffit/evestrough guy came for estimate and says he has never seen such damaged by hail eves troughs and downspouts in all his years. We assured him that indeed this was a devastating storm.

before and after

At around 5:30 I put a roast on for supper and soon after Sheldon got up and after checking out his golf prizes, he started to finish watering the remaining trees outside. Darren dropped Britt off at 6 after she went to Stouts on the bus after school and rode Shiloh. She was very excited with her progress with him and the fact she got paid to do something she loves. After a regather she headed out to ride KD before supper.
As I was updating the blog I saw her riding KD with Bird gracefully trotting alongside and Julio coming up from behind. However she did not find this a pretty to see as I did since KD was acting wingy. The 2 injured continued into their field while she headed back out with naughty KD.

Sheldon was sacked and after a tub we both hit the comfiest bed in Canada and he was soon asleep while I read. At 10 Brooke and Hannah arrived for a long w/e trailer sleepover while Shaina and Shannon popped in at 11 and changed to head back to town to celebrate Brandon's birthday. Shaina had a sleepover at Jenna's. What was to be an early night for me ended up being a watch the clock till after 3 am and that was not mentioning the stupid fly that made the actual sleeping parts short lived and annoying..GRRRR

Thursday 30 August 2012

493 - Back to School Aug 30

Day 493 came too fast, it is back to school for Britt and high school at that. Where did the time go?
Britt was up and out of the house at 7 feeding and hosing ponies then back in to get ready for the big day. At 8:10 I took the annual photo. Sad there is only 1 of my beautiful girls in the picture.

Shaina was at work at the golf course by 7 even texting me to bring laptop just after but darn I forgot it in our rush to get to first day of school. She worked the golf course till 2 overlapping on the start of Sheldon's work golf tournament. Then she was off to target from 4-9. Kaylin drove her new escape to Bonnyville today to pickup Aaron and celebrate his 24th birthday. Happy birthday Aaron!

Rhonda dropped Hannah off and I took the girls in dropping them discreetly off at the school doors. They even refused a photo in the parking lot? Geez! Then it was off to work for me working a whole day! Britt has an interview at the arena after school as new management took over. During my lunch hour I washed my car!

After work I ran and grabbed groceries before running to the arena with Britt's updated resume. I sat and enjoyed the sunshine while she waited for her interview at 4 then finished up by 4:15. She got the job from the get go and he has her starting next week every day! Her and I then headed home where she changed clothes, jumped on the quad and rushed to her other new job, riding horses for Sharon. She was so nervous and excited about all the events happening today but of course will ace them all.

one of the rare days I wore a dress to work so should be captured.

I worked on my GST and updated the blog as well as cooking a bison burger goulash for supper. I actually drove the quad to the gate in my work dress to shut it and let the 2 horses out to graze for the evening. Britt arrived home just after 7. She had a quick break then made food and fed and hosed the 2 ponies.

GST kept me busy but I did find time to walk Diego and snap some shots of the legs today. Britt went thru clothes trying to decide tomorrows outfit till late but I was in bed reading by 10.

Sheldon arrived home from his golf tournament at via Shaina at 12:30. She picked him up after stopping at wings night for a bit after work and dropped him at Matt's at 10:30 on her way home. Shannon arrived for a sleep over at 12 and they ran over to get him which took a bit it seems,then they giggled for hours. I finally took a sleeping pill at 2 am then had a great sleep :-)

Wednesday 29 August 2012

492 - Vet 2 week checkup

Day 492 is the last day of Britt's summer vacation.It did rain early in the morning starting the day fresh and clean. She enjoyed a sleep in till 10 then got up and fed and hosed horses, played with her kitties and watched TV and relaxed. Shaina was off to babysit Asher for 9:30. I was up and at work by 8:30, amazing I know for my summer hours. Today was celebrate Coreena's birthday so we enjoyed a tea to get us going and got our work done then off to Boston Pizza to celebrate over lunch.

Just after 1 I raced to the ranch. The vets were coming out to remove stitches and do Julio's teeth at 2. Britt was cooking perogies, her new stand by meal. She also watched Asher while Shaina put on a hair mask then waited before washing off. Shaina and Asher were at the ranch going to watch the vet process but during that time Kaylin got the call her new vehicle was ready so her and friend came out loaded into Shaina's car and off they went. Shaina took Asher back home then worked at the golf course from 7-close. She stayed in at Kaylin's as she works the golf course tomorrow morning at 7 AM till 2 then target 4-9.
Britt helped catch horses and wrangle cats while I assisted the vet and tech and took photos. They were again impressed with the progress chalking it up to great care and attention. These accolades are all on Britt as she has spent many hours hosing, feeding, picking, applying creams and cleaning wounds. Great job Britt!!

Vet Julie was done by 3 and off to next patient so Britt and I got KD and Daisy and rode. While out conditioning we could see a horse in a mud puddle. Sharon was stopping to see the wound updates and happened to come upon this site too. As we loped closer we saw it was Julio, rolling in the mud puddle. Porky was going old mustang I think to rid the flies.. what a funny site. After Sharon had a quick look she was off and so were Britt and I riding for another hour.
vet Julie cutting the flap of dried skin
and here it is
Julio healing up well
getting sedation
Britt training cats.. to do what I'm not sure
and the dental work begins

Britt and Bird just walking
here is the mud puddle boy!

By now it was 4:30 and coming thru the gate at the same time as Sheldon coming home from work. He went in an napped while Britt hosed Pepper and I started trimming Daisy's front feet. But supper was on my mind so in the house I went and started supper. As it was cooking I started to water the front planter leaving it on each one for a bit. The spirea are really leafing out and trying to recover.
 Kaylin's and her new wheels

A quick supper of fish rice and sweet potato and I was back out watering planters and garden. Sheldon came out and installed the drip line in the planters. I harvested more zucchini and Britt made food and walked out to get Julio and Bird who were grazing in the hay field. She gave them both a good hosing then headed inside at 8 to get ready for back to school. Sheldon worked on watering trees too. Some are pushing leaves and trying, others seem to be still in shock.
drip line in place
 2 different settings for 2 different colored skies.. so pretty the sunsets are
 and take a look at this odd zucchini in my daily harvest

Tuesday 28 August 2012

491 - Kaylin buys a new SUV

Day 491 was a busy day. I headed to work leaving the girls to sleep in. Shaina headed to work at golf course for 10:30-2 then station 5:30-9. Britt hosed & fed horses then rode KD. I was busy at work after grabbing teas for Coreena and I and dropping a visor at McDonalds thru the drive-thru, first time I was ever paid out a window :-) I left work a bit early to come and grab Britt who was just getting out of the shower at 12. I drug the new barbeque out of the back of the Buick to make room dropping it on my toe.. GRRRR.

Britt grabbed a brush and clothes and jumped in as we made out way back to town grabbing Sheldon at the recycle depot where he was helping Gary unload. The next stop was to get Kaylin and Asher. Once they were loaded in it was off to the city. We actually made good time so we all went into Market Mall. I stopped right inside at the perfume counter and ended up finding a beautiful perfume using my recently found Xmas cash.

Sheldon and I headed to Dr Roberts while the girls and Asher shopped. I had my followup which was all progress and new supplements. Sheldon had his live blood and IV chelation. During his appointments I ran back to the mall and paid for all Britt's back to school clothes. Sheldon was finished at 3:30 which found us all loading up and racing across the city to Universal Ford where we had a date with a fellow about a car.

Kaylin has been searching for some time now wanting a new used car. She and Sheldon test drove a Ford Escape and Jeep Compass. She was torn between the 2 liking parts of each but not a whole. This lead to the looking at a NEW escape and her coming out of the financing approval office buying it! She was beyond excited the entire way home. She bought a black 2012 Escape XLT with remote start, Sirius radio, sun roof and much more. They will detail and fill with gas and have ready tomorrow.

We arrived back at Paetz's at 7 dropping Asher and Kaylin off then headed home. I tidied up as Craig's and his sister were hoping to stop out. We cooked up a fancy hot dog and veggie supper as we were all starving. At 8:30 Matt and Marrissa dropped by to exchange generators and visited until 10:30. Diego always has fun when his buddy Oscar comes for a play date. Shaina stayed after work to go out with Kate and Emily for wings and got home at 1:45 am!

Monday 27 August 2012

490 - mini spa day

Day 490 finds us at the last Monday of August sadly. Today is Coreena's birthday so that means lunch with the ladies this week on Wednesday! I was up at 8:45 but lazed in bed playing words with friends for a bit before getting up.

B was up laying in bed to for awhile but I rousted her at 10:30 saying I was heading to town for my facial and hair color at 11:15. She was up and out hosing at 11. The day started cool, it was only 19 when we headed for town but by the time we got home at 4 it was 29 at the ranch (27 in town but we have our own weather in the Bermuda triangle)

In town I enjoyed a fantastic facial from Tanya then a great color and haircut from Amanda. Amanda also waxed Britt's eye brows before she went to hang out with Kaylin and Asher while I enjoyed my spa. I was done around 2:30 so ran to the library to pick up books then deposit Shaina's tip money in the bank. I drove to pickup Britt so she could make deposit then it was off to Walmart to get school supplies.
Finally we were back at the ranch by 4 where I need to scarf down a couple pieces of ryvita. Not a well planned meal day for sure but I did take out steaks for supper so seasoned them up and await the barbeque master to arrive home and cook them up. While I waited I swabbed the front deck trying to get the bone "goo" Diego slobbered everywhere off and updated the blog. Britt did her usual hosing and feed. Sheldon got home a bit later after running a few errands in town.

Supper was yummy of course.  I ran Britt to Hannah's at 8 pm. Shaina picked her up on her way home from work at 9. Sheldon sold a couple bales and loaded for a past customer. Brandon came out just after 9 and he and Shaina watched movies till midnight. Britt watched a few as well and is dragging out her last few holiday evenings. Sheldon and I were bushed and headed to bed by 10.