Wednesday 22 August 2012

485 - weather man was wrong

Day 485 found us with no rain as predicted over night nor cool temps but rather a sunny plus 25 degree day. I was up and off to work after letting kitties out and grabbing a piece of wheat free toast. I left work at just after lunch and ran more errands, mailing letters, getting groceries and checking many stores for fly strips, patio table and barbeques. Finally the adjuster called saying he would be out in 1-3 weeks! Hmm this is going to be a challenge to replace the items ASAP as most are going out of season.
 items I found
 some I did not need but liked for pool table area, if only it had a tall table

The girls did their chores of wash pots & pans, scoop dog poo and hose horses in the morning before I got home at 2. Shaina had left by noon for 2 jobs today. Britt and I searched boxes in the storage trailer looking for a few elusive items. Why does moving cause things you want to disappear and crap you don't need to double? We lost an entire bedding sets with pillows, the room mister and 10 cans of fragrance and my HTC cell phone that Britt is dying to find. Oddly the old Razor was in the boxes but it is just not cool enough and seems to be dropped quite allot since she got it rolling too.

I took Diego for a quad run before I loaded 3 large office boxes on it and brought to the house. That was my afternoon, putting away the items from the boxes. Once home from work, Sheldon did some number crunching of work stuff and Britt continued to watch TV. She did chop tomatoes and lettuce and grate cheese while watching for tacos as I cooked the meat up. Sheldon started to water trees again just before and after supper.

After supper I blogged for a bit while trying to de-funk smell my towels. I hope it works as funky towels are one of my pet peeves. I also unpacked a huge box of vases. I guess I stock piled to share flowers but that is going to be some time way in the future so think there might be a load added to rummage sale pile. Britt hosed and doctored horse wounds before returning to the house and folding the newly washed funk free towels. Lets see when they get wet what they smell like to see for sure that it worked.

Update on my beauty trials, the Murad system I give an OK, it works fine but nothing spectacular worth the high price. 6/10
but the Latisse is amazing, works as promised, give it a 9.5/10, makes them long but does not grow more
Shaina was home by before 10 after working 2 jobs! Britt put kitties to bed and we all hit the sheets in good time.

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