Friday 17 August 2012

480 - lots going on at the ranch

Day 480 I awoke at 7 but managed to toss and turn for a bit. Sheldon and I got up at 9, him to put on coffee and me to make some tea. I then hung our horse blankets after finishing the load and rousted Britt to make food for the horses. Her and I went out and administered medicine and hosed them down. Papa and Grama were up then and had breakfast with Sheldon.

At 10 Sheldon and Papa headed for Bieskier for more bricks while I went to the garden to harvest, clean and water. Grama and Britt worked on homemade from the garden borscht for lunch. Shaina struggled out of bed at just before noon.
The girls enjoyed a hot bowl of soup and Shaina left at 12:30 to work at target till 4:30 then Station from 5-11. Britt went out with medicine laced food for Beck and KD, I ground some pepper and put a bandage full of it on one of Bird's cuts to try. Amanda had a client pack all cuts full of pepper and there was no scarring. We are to late for that but I applied to one for its bacterial properties to see. It did not last long as the placement is so hard to keep a bandage on.

The brick boys arrived back home at just after 1, ate some soup and headed out to unload bricks by 1:30. I went out and pruned trees and watered them hoping to save what we can. I let the 2 injured guys out to their shelter as the temperature is 31 and they were most happy to get there, Bird even did a slow gimpy trot to get there. The fellows started laying bricks while Grama and Britt cruised to town (B driving the convertible finally) to get more wound cream and Vaseline for their wounds. It was more laundry for horse blankets and trailer blankets. I also took a load of crap int he wagon to dump

At about 4:30 a lady stopped to buy some boots, following Britt and Grama in soon followed by Amanda and Asher who stopped out to grab their eggs. Grand central station. Britt and I went out to administer meds and more food at 5 and I ended up trimming Peppers feet since he was requested to play in the tournament tomorrow. Sadly we all backed out after this weeks events but Britt got a call to fill in for Cully on Hiya. She is excited to go play. I finished feet at 6:30 and came in to finish up chili. Matt came over to catch up on the weeks happenings and have supper with us too.
flowers Grama brought me since she thought I had lost many, very sweet, Thanks Grama!

Britt and I applied the green wound cream to the horses and on the way back found another sink hole at the waterer so had Sheldon bring a load of gravel to fill yet again.
 green wound cream painting

Then we all went in for chili supper with banana cake from the farmers market Grama picked up. Matt headed home at 10 and all got ready for bed. Travis came out just before midnight to stay with us while helping the Paetz's rebuild their deck this w/e.

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