Thursday 30 August 2012

493 - Back to School Aug 30

Day 493 came too fast, it is back to school for Britt and high school at that. Where did the time go?
Britt was up and out of the house at 7 feeding and hosing ponies then back in to get ready for the big day. At 8:10 I took the annual photo. Sad there is only 1 of my beautiful girls in the picture.

Shaina was at work at the golf course by 7 even texting me to bring laptop just after but darn I forgot it in our rush to get to first day of school. She worked the golf course till 2 overlapping on the start of Sheldon's work golf tournament. Then she was off to target from 4-9. Kaylin drove her new escape to Bonnyville today to pickup Aaron and celebrate his 24th birthday. Happy birthday Aaron!

Rhonda dropped Hannah off and I took the girls in dropping them discreetly off at the school doors. They even refused a photo in the parking lot? Geez! Then it was off to work for me working a whole day! Britt has an interview at the arena after school as new management took over. During my lunch hour I washed my car!

After work I ran and grabbed groceries before running to the arena with Britt's updated resume. I sat and enjoyed the sunshine while she waited for her interview at 4 then finished up by 4:15. She got the job from the get go and he has her starting next week every day! Her and I then headed home where she changed clothes, jumped on the quad and rushed to her other new job, riding horses for Sharon. She was so nervous and excited about all the events happening today but of course will ace them all.

one of the rare days I wore a dress to work so should be captured.

I worked on my GST and updated the blog as well as cooking a bison burger goulash for supper. I actually drove the quad to the gate in my work dress to shut it and let the 2 horses out to graze for the evening. Britt arrived home just after 7. She had a quick break then made food and fed and hosed the 2 ponies.

GST kept me busy but I did find time to walk Diego and snap some shots of the legs today. Britt went thru clothes trying to decide tomorrows outfit till late but I was in bed reading by 10.

Sheldon arrived home from his golf tournament at via Shaina at 12:30. She picked him up after stopping at wings night for a bit after work and dropped him at Matt's at 10:30 on her way home. Shannon arrived for a sleep over at 12 and they ran over to get him which took a bit it seems,then they giggled for hours. I finally took a sleeping pill at 2 am then had a great sleep :-)

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