Monday 13 August 2012

476 - back to work for Sheldon

Day 76 was back to work for Sheldon following a nice 2+ week vacation from the plant. I was awoken around 8 by about 100 little birds on the deck roof...ugh. but I managed to shoo them off and lay back down. I caught up on my words with friends games and enjoyed a relaxing wake up. It was then on to the still piles of laundry and house tidying before letting the kitties out and working in the garden for the morning. I cleaned up dead leaves and plucked leaves from the tomatoes while re-staking them up. I picked some beets and zucchini. If nothing else I can really grow these two veggies :-)

the trailer sleepover girls did not come to the house till noon and soon after Shaina drug herself upstairs too. I made the girls lipton noodle soup but amped it up with some health including quinoa and zucchini, I even snuck a wee bit and it was yummy! Slowly each of the sleepover girls were picked up leaving Britt & Shaina heading out to do a conditioning run. I went and hand weeded the nursery trees. Wow it was hot and sunny, Diego guarded me usually from the shade. I got back as the girls were hosing horses and Shaina got ready to leave for work at Target for 3-9.

I cracked a cold beer while Britt fed Bird and then I went out and trimmed her feet. What a sight we were, 2 dogs rolling around scrounging for hoof bits while 2 kitties circled mine and the horses feet. Of course I was unconventionally dressed in carpis, tank top and flip flops and Bird had no halter shank but all went well. 3:30 was time for another refreshment while Britt caught the next horse, Hawk. Once Sheldon got home from work he started the front planter getting going. This is the week plan with perhaps Papa coming later in the week to help

I whipped up supper and then we went back out and she caught KD and Julio and I did both their feet. She rode Beck to condition her while I finished trimming. I did speak to soon about the outfit, the 3rd horse I nicked my knee with the rasp.. ouch! By now it was getting dark so into the house we went. Sheldon was in by now too.

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