Thursday 16 August 2012

479 - ran out of bricks

Day 479 found Sheldon sleeping in as I got up and ready for work. Shaina got up to to help me doctor the horses. We made food, some with medicine and some without. In the pens I gave Ju and Bird their oral Bute and snack bowls. I left for work but had to drop the Buick at the dealer to see about the GPS not finding Canadian locations. Turns out the new system searches different  so have to try so was easy non fix. Sharon dropped me off at noon at the dealer to grab it. I then ran for groceries before heading home.

Shaina and Britt hosed the 2 horses and tried to feed the other two with no luck before Shaina headed to one of her 2 jobs today. On my way home I stopped to see the devastation at the gate of my planters and tree nursery and visited the graves of Zoe and Twix. It seems our Augusts have not been good for our horses. It is hard to believe it was just one year ago we lost Twix to the lightening storm. I have been thinking lots about his loss the last few weeks surrounding his passing anniversary. A wee little Zoe is just missed every day. The girls comment on how Coco misses a play mate. Diego is a good buddy but not really the type she can play with. I guess she does have her kitties now :-)
 planters wiped out at gate
 nursery trees wiped
and the rows of chokecherries gone too

At the ranch I immediately saw the fatties had broke into the skinny pen so I opened all the gates and let them into the winter pasture to scrounge up whatever morsels of grass can be found. It seems the electric fence was off so I turned it on too. I then set about putting up a tarp for shade in the infirmary pasture. I had Britt and Sheldon come give me a hand as the panels are heavy when linked. Success was mine but not sure they really care to use it.
 Julio and Mitzy
 shelter success

Back in the house I unloaded groceries and made a quick snack for Sheldon and I. He had spent his morning working on the front planter. After he ate he decided to redo the one hole row he had laid since it was completely below the sidewalk so made it higher with gravel and started again.
he had the row done but took it all up, added gravel and raised it a bricks hieght
the other side he had done yesterday

the lone surviving lilac tree
and lone surviving shrub.. dwarf lilac
Dr Rand stopped out to give the 2 their jugular shots of Excenel around 3. Britt hosed their wounds after while I updated the blog. I also continued to do bloody horse blankets in the garage laundry and snapped more photos. (surprise)

 the west side from what used to be hay field
 the shed.. originally was at far left of photo
 the ponies enjoying hte shade
 Bird's leg today before wash
 and Julio leg with swollen knee
 Mitzy sneaking up on me

 the fatties look on

At just before 5, Grama and Papa arrived so it was time for a beer and visit on the deck. I then harvested all my cabbage after getting one for supper and finding the cabbage caterpillars were invading. GRRR I cut all six and pulled out the plants which was OK giving more sunlight to others. Britt watered the garden and planters for me.
At 6, Sheldon and Papa got back to work on the planter. Grama and I made supper and by 7:30 they were out of bricks and supper was ready. Almost all the veggies were form the garden along with pork chops. After supper the girls cleaned up, B chopped the rest of the cabbage, Grama did dishes and I put away and vacuumed while the boys went out to hook up the dump trailer and load the brick pallets to go for a load in the am.
 my cabbage harvest
 using it in coleslaw
the workers take a break
Just before 9, Britt, Grama and Papa took the convertible to town to get DQ and hoped to pick Shaina up too form work. Sheldon came in for a shower as I did some more on the blog. They got back around 9:40 after enjoying ice cream and Shaina and Brandon actually met them at DQ.

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