Monday 20 August 2012

483 - another scorcher Mon Aug 20

Day 483 was another scorching day. Sheldon was back to work after another 5 days off. I was up at 9 and Britt and Shaina by 9:30. Shaina packed a lunch, I made her cheesy eggs while she hosed Julio and KD before heading to job one for 11-3 and job 2 4-9.
Britt made medicine food, played with pets and went to hose Bird while it sat. I started laundry then painted the barbeque deck doors, all the ants have left hallelujah. Note to self.. use olfa knife to score edge of tape and window for clean removal, not like yesterday. By 1 it was time for a quick lunch, B had showered then washed pots and pans before helping me water trees. It is so hot the water just sucks right up. I watered my garden first not leaving water unattended by my over list loaded brain.
I took time while she watered while tanning and playing with her cats to update the blog and read a few of my backlogged blogs I follow. I also whipped up a batch of granola which was added to my list by one named Sheldon but he did add a happy face. :-) I also put on some stew meat to simmer.
It is one week tomorrow that the chaos ensued and life got even more hectic. I folded the last 2 winter blankets and put away in tubs. Hopefully there is no need for them for a very long time. The afternoon was more tree watering and blog updates. It was over 30 by now but the news says after tomorrow it will be unseasonably low temperatures, darn. After work Sheldon and I dumped the remains of our yellow bag of potting soil into the planter.
 bag balancing
 and it is in
the step tape finally in place

Sheldon took the dump trailer full of decking to the dump only to find he took it to the wrong one. Seeing he was nearly out of gas he continued to town to fill up then home around 6:30 to eat the scrumptious stew I made before he ventured south to the correct landfill that would take it.

He arrived back at 7:30 as I was still watering trees and shrubs and pruning more trees. Britt came out to hose the two horses and dress wounds with green cream. Sheldon filled yet more sink holes around the waterer and it actually went all way to gate once he took skid steer with dirt out to fill. GRR.

Mitzy climbs the bare tree while Diego looks on
A brave coyote caused some stir having me run for the gun and garage for bullets as it was coming right up, Coco of course decided to go chase him! At the same time Patez's stopped out and she eventually came back and Sheldon never got a shot off but he is prepared for tonight if he comes back. Shaina got home just before midnight after going for slush and watching a movie with Brandon after work.

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