Monday 27 August 2012

490 - mini spa day

Day 490 finds us at the last Monday of August sadly. Today is Coreena's birthday so that means lunch with the ladies this week on Wednesday! I was up at 8:45 but lazed in bed playing words with friends for a bit before getting up.

B was up laying in bed to for awhile but I rousted her at 10:30 saying I was heading to town for my facial and hair color at 11:15. She was up and out hosing at 11. The day started cool, it was only 19 when we headed for town but by the time we got home at 4 it was 29 at the ranch (27 in town but we have our own weather in the Bermuda triangle)

In town I enjoyed a fantastic facial from Tanya then a great color and haircut from Amanda. Amanda also waxed Britt's eye brows before she went to hang out with Kaylin and Asher while I enjoyed my spa. I was done around 2:30 so ran to the library to pick up books then deposit Shaina's tip money in the bank. I drove to pickup Britt so she could make deposit then it was off to Walmart to get school supplies.
Finally we were back at the ranch by 4 where I need to scarf down a couple pieces of ryvita. Not a well planned meal day for sure but I did take out steaks for supper so seasoned them up and await the barbeque master to arrive home and cook them up. While I waited I swabbed the front deck trying to get the bone "goo" Diego slobbered everywhere off and updated the blog. Britt did her usual hosing and feed. Sheldon got home a bit later after running a few errands in town.

Supper was yummy of course.  I ran Britt to Hannah's at 8 pm. Shaina picked her up on her way home from work at 9. Sheldon sold a couple bales and loaded for a past customer. Brandon came out just after 9 and he and Shaina watched movies till midnight. Britt watched a few as well and is dragging out her last few holiday evenings. Sheldon and I were bushed and headed to bed by 10.

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