Friday 31 August 2012

494 - last day of August

Day 494 came to early since I went to sleep so late. Sheldon was not really feeling that great so slept in a bit so scrambled out of the house quickly. I was then awake and text him a few things I did not get a chance to share last night then dozed. At 7 I got up and text Britt to be up then must have dozed again cause my alarm went off at 7:25 and she was not up and the bus comes at 7:36! Well she too was scrambling. I watched to be sure the bus could turn around the island but due to extra cars and where parked he did have to back up. But soon she was off to school and I was back in bed to sleep for another hour.

At 10 Shaina and Shannon got up and made ichiban after Shaina let out the kitties, even bringing them in for snuggles. Once done they headed back to bed. This was not quite my plan as I wanted Shaina to hose the two then close the gate and let them graze but she had other ideas. Finally at 12:30 after a few threats she went out and hosed and closed the gate.

I spent the entire morning doing books and working on GST finally paying and finishing up at 2 pm!! Every time I say I am going to do some each month..LOL

Shaina and Shanon took Daisy and Pepper out bareback and Shaina agreed Miss Daisy is "ailing" with some stomach issues residing from Potomac. Looks like she is now on pasture rest till spring. The girls headed in to the golf course to work till close.

 and porky went to the spa again but the puddle is getting lower

he is hoping for a good rain I think to fill he spa pool

Sheldon snuck home just before 3 and crawled into bed :-) I went out and spent an hour in my garden watering and trimming and then went and planted perennials in my gate planters hoping they will overwinter. Andy the soffit/evestrough guy came for estimate and says he has never seen such damaged by hail eves troughs and downspouts in all his years. We assured him that indeed this was a devastating storm.

before and after

At around 5:30 I put a roast on for supper and soon after Sheldon got up and after checking out his golf prizes, he started to finish watering the remaining trees outside. Darren dropped Britt off at 6 after she went to Stouts on the bus after school and rode Shiloh. She was very excited with her progress with him and the fact she got paid to do something she loves. After a regather she headed out to ride KD before supper.
As I was updating the blog I saw her riding KD with Bird gracefully trotting alongside and Julio coming up from behind. However she did not find this a pretty to see as I did since KD was acting wingy. The 2 injured continued into their field while she headed back out with naughty KD.

Sheldon was sacked and after a tub we both hit the comfiest bed in Canada and he was soon asleep while I read. At 10 Brooke and Hannah arrived for a long w/e trailer sleepover while Shaina and Shannon popped in at 11 and changed to head back to town to celebrate Brandon's birthday. Shaina had a sleepover at Jenna's. What was to be an early night for me ended up being a watch the clock till after 3 am and that was not mentioning the stupid fly that made the actual sleeping parts short lived and annoying..GRRRR

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