Saturday 1 September 2012

495 - Sunny Saturday September 1st

Day 495 is hard to believe it is September 1st. But the sun is shining and the world is good. I started my day enjoying a nice telephone visit with mom for about 45 minutes. Saturday mornings with sunshine pouring in and music playing are the most relaxing and enjoyable and remind me of home except many Saturday morning Mom would be playing along on the piano. I hoped the girls would follow suit but that was not in the stars so stereo it is.
 the poplars are trying to come back, hope this new leaf stage will not set them back
castor bean, morning glories, one wee lavatera, 4 o'clocks and cosmos with the tomatoes growing still

After coffee and cereal, Sheldon loaded garbage up in his dump trailer and he and Diego headed out around 10:30 just as the sleepover girls stumbled in from the trailer. They made a double batch of kraft dinner then lazed around the living room texting. I suggested they ride and then went out to water my plants and apple trees. Sandra came to pick up Brooke around 11:30 just as they came out to ride. Matt brought the skid steer home and dropped some straw bales off.

The girls rode demonstrating the lessons they had given Brooke and then playing a bit of polocrosse and trying their hand at barrels. Then they untacked and hosed and Hannah and Brooke got their clothes and headed home around 1.
 all bare back then tacked up

Sheldon had me hold the ladder to replace the yard light but it was too flimsy on the round pole 20 feet off the ground so we put that on hold until he finds scaffolding. We came in for lunch just after 1. B hosed injured horses then left on the quad for her riding job at Stouts at 1:15pm

After lunch Sheldon started to work on the last of the bottom rail installation. I washed windows as it was sunny and clear but it seems not only did the fencing gods not wants us to fence after having all pounders rented out but neither did window gods since at 3 pm the rain came in. It even had Sheldon scurrying for the house with all the thunder. Kaylin had text her friend was driving north on QE2 and their was hail so wanted us to batten down. She would bring her new car out if the hail got closer and park in the garage. She had just finished another wedding, this one not so good as she had BrideZilla :-)
Sheldon helped me check some marks on the window after I cleaned, he was outside while I pointed from inside, they were just high impact hail marks and came off, you ca see the storm coming in the background

Since inside I updated the blog while Sheldon had a nap. Kaylin came out around 4 and about 4:45 the storm had passed for the most part so Sheldon headed back out. Britt came home just after 5 and then her and Kaylin took a drive in the new wheels. Back at the house Kaylin had a nap while Britt hit her room.

 and she brought presents for the dogs
 a new hoody for Coco
 and a small bone for Diego

I was creating a huge pot of Bison harvest soup with the soup bones I had simmering today. I used lots fresh from our garden; tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini, dill, beets and tops, and some carrots & onions from neighbors and loaded with lentils, brown rice, pearl barley and dried peas

At 6 I went out and trimmed Beck and Baby's feet while Britt fed and hosed horses and organized the horse trailer for tomorrow. After Sheldon's batteries died for the second time today he worked on leveling and putting the tack shed back in its spot. Kaylin headed home around 6:30
Britt and I went back in at quarter after 7 to shower and eat as she had a couple fellows coming to watch movies. Sheldon moved a bit more dirt with the skid steer into the island edges and leveled it out before he came in to enjoy the super healthy soup then a shower.

The 2 fellows, Jayden and Reed arrived just after 8, a quick game of pool, a quad ride and then out to see the wounded horses were the first on the agenda before movies. They watched movie, Shaina was home after work to and visited with the brothers who each came to pick up a younger brother, one at 11 and one 12.

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