Friday 21 September 2012

515 - friday off for all

Day 515 found us all sleeping in and only awakened by Sheldon's cell phone at 10 am! Britt had the day off school and of course it was 3rd Friday for Encana. Once up it was time to get ready to start the busy day. I got a call from another fellow from St Lucia and he talked for about 40 minutes. His place was full but he appreciated my polite reply and has a friend that has a place possibly open. He is an ex pat from Ontario who has lived there for 10 years. He loves to visit and is more than willing to show us around the island as he has many great tours.

Britt closed the gate and let the horses out while Sheldon loaded up the post hole pounder. The Gienow fellow arrived to install the new garage door. Britt cleaned out the shelters and refilled the mineral/salt mix I made up and then spent a bit of time gathering rocks and scooping some piles. I painted the new door, happy the weather continues to be amazing. Today it was 25 degrees too.

 below is the deck as it was finished as of last night, seems Diego and the horses all love this dance floor

 Britt refilling and cleaning out mineral tub

view from house with poles up but no boards

love my dark doors, I am so not a fan of white trim or doors left primed, most don`t know  you are to paint all doors including garage, below finished first coat.. so nice
Shaina and Asher came out around one. Asher hung out with me while the girls rode their horses. By 3 they were done and she headed back to town and after watching him was off to work at the next job at 6. Then she was off to Calgary to stay overnight with Shannon at U of C. Britt and I ran over to Stouts to help assess a cut horse on the quad and rushed back at 4:30. 
 Coco wants to play... with a horse
 my hired man hard at work
 getting kisses and advice from the peanut gallery
 then he helps me touch up paint
 and check deck progress
 and pounds a few nails and rocks

this little flower grew out of no where, I never planted any seeds unless it is a stray sunflower seed :-)

Asher had the cutest Hitler mustache and then blew dandelion seeds for fun
 here is the fence going up where the horses broke through during the storm
 and then the hitching post went in with only one more to go by the field irrigation line

Sheldon had finished pounding the last post and we drove to town so Britt could take the bottles in for her first official time alone. We made  stop at a ladies place who gave us a couple yellow dirt bags to return with ours, for sure we need another full bag in the spring so the bag refund fee will help. Then Britt made a quick stop at the source to look for phone case then suggested a Booster Juice. Sheldon has yet to have one at our new local store so we all went in.. seems being new cost him the short straw to buy.

Then it was back to the ranch where I started new potato/carrot and steak with new beans supper. Thanks Mom for the new veggies! Then Sheldon and Britt worked on tidying the garage so she could park what she hopes to be her "new" car in and clean her up.

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