Tuesday 4 September 2012

498 - back to work & school

Day 498 awoke to rain when Sheldon left for work, yeah we need it but it was done when Britt was up at 7 getting ready for school and the bus. Amazingly Shaina has most of the day off and does not work until after supper. Her and Jenna did horse hosing this am.
 the fence as it stands this am
I made a few errand stops, to get apples and crisp mom made us (THANKS MOM!) and car keys from Kaylin, deposit more tip money in Shaina's savings account, pay more to the vets (should be good now fingers crossed) and used a coupon for McDonalds... why do coupons make me think I have to use when it ends up costing me money and the food tastes like yuck?? When I got home I shut the gate and let the 2 ponies out to graze. Jenna was just heading home when I arrived.

The quandary of the day is what to paint the front door. The weather is getting cooler morning and nights which is limiting my time frame to paint.. most have commented the deep dark red or the dark eggplant. I took some photos to show them on my phone as I wonder about the garage doors conflicting.

front door to left

garage to right

and whole look below

Around 3 Shaina and I went for a ride taking baby and chubby Hawk. (check facebook for video, too large to load on email) We even headed down to Stouts to say hi and back by 5:15 so Shaina could hurry off to work at the station. Sheldon was loading bales to deliver to a customer. He came in for a refreshment then delivered them.

I made granola and hosed the horses while he stirred the meat and cut veggies. Then he and I enjoyed a delicious taco supper at just after 7. After supper we went out and cleaned up the hay bale pitching hay to the 2 as I penned them up for the night.
 she decided she did not like the food I took and followed me back trying Diego's dog food instead

Britt worked till 9 and Sharon was kind enough to bring her home so she could finish homework and get to bed. Shaina got home form work and a run at 1:30 am... hmmm guessing there was a bar visit in there too.

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