Monday 10 September 2012

504 - barefoot refresher course

Day 504 was another sunny yet WINDY day. I spent the morning at Stouts watching a gal do 2 horses feet. It was great to watch it in action and get a refresher. Once I was back at noon I grabbed a snack and Shaina who spent morning sleeping in, and her and I tidied the tack shed. The wind had picked up and made it a challenge but we did it up quick.

Back in the house she retreated back downstairs :-) At around 2 I saw a dusty west sky yet again and by 2:30 it was ravaging our yard. The large plastic water trough was blown thru 4 sections of fence shattering poles as it went, hitting and bouncing over the poor shed and landed face down on the dirt. It continued to blast thru the yard blowing anything not tied down south east! This continued for hours incessantly. This makes for very unproductive day, should have went to work :-/
 note the white line is electric tape

Once home from work Sheldon checked the fence then hunkered down on the couch for a nap. Shaina went to work at the golf course for 5 and Britt stayed in after school at Brooke's. Shaina will be kind enough to bring her home.
For supper I used all garden veggies and our home on the range lean bison hamburger to create a scrumptious hamburger sauce with the spaghetti squash. At 7 a mason arrived to give suggestions and quote the front of the garage and the pillar for stone. He suggested this stone by Eldorado.
at 8 we ran the rototiller back to Goslings, had a quick visit and drink then ran to town to pickup Britt. Shaina went out to celebrate friends birthday after work.

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