Thursday 20 September 2012

514 - yummy curry vegetables

Day 514 was yet anotehr gorgeous day this week. All week it has been unseasonalbly balmy but this resorts to very dry ground. The road is just a dust bowl as soon as driven on and your feet are filthy in fli flops.

The morning started wit a call from St Lucia adviser who suggested against staying in Marigot bay with lots of good reasons, mainly that it is a quiet not much to do place that requires a car to go do things every day. This had me spending the rest of my day researching alternative places and talking to others. By the end of the night I am leaning towards part in the south and part in Castries/ Rodney Bay area. Now to narrow down a place in the north.

I grabbed groceries on way home after work and continued my quest to find a place. Britt caught a ride home with Sharon in the convertible, fabulous day for that. She then spent the rest of her time checking out her new to her iphone while being forced to clean the floor in her room. Once home from work, Sheldon headed to town to get the post hole pounder for tomorrow's work day.
 the deck progress from last night

For supper I created this yummy meal I have been wanting to make for some time. Curried vegetables, I made it with chicken and rice side dishes. After supper us 3 went out to  mark the wind breaks and hitching post then Sheldon got back at the deck while Britt went to basement to watch TV and I blogged, cleaned up and continued my search to find the perfect place to stay in St Lucia.

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