Wednesday 12 September 2012

506 - Kaylin tries naturopathic

Day 506 was another doctor day for 3 of the Kuhns. After dropping Britt at school I raced back to on of the last gas stations still at $114.9 after seeing the price rose this am to $123.9! Since I was close to Tims, I stopped to grab the girls at work a tea.

At just after lunch I picked up Kaylin and her and I went into the city. I exchanged my perfume for another one but think it is too strong now after trying the sample once home. Kaylin dubbed all of them "grandma" fragrances! kids. Then it was off to my chelation treatment and her initial naturopathic consult. Yes she tested for lactose issues with the main irritant being cheese. She is going to try and make some dietary changes and take some supplements to get her body back in balance.

By now it was after 3:30 and she works at 5 so it was a race back to Strathmore thru rush hour but I was successful getting her back by 4:30. Sheldon had a physical today with his doctor and was the picture of health, even his blood pressure was normal, very unusual for him. His doctor said that what ever he was doing was working very well and had accolades for the naturopathic choices he was making.

Britt worked after school while Shaina babysat Asher then headed to the station after to work there staying in at Kaylins for sleepover like she did Monday night. Sheldon cooked a yummy supper of smokies (opps they were cheese filled :-)) and a potato/veggie pack all on the barbeque. After supper I ran to town to pick up Britt from work at 7 while Sheldon went out to move bales and remove the broken rails. Once Britt was back home she hosed and fed ponies then worked on homework.

Diego cleans up their spilled crumbs :-)

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