Sunday 9 September 2012

503 - another storm blows thru

Day 503 was a dreary day threatening rain. Mom was up early and I followed soon for tea then Sheldon to make coffee. I drove to the gate to shut and let horses out, this time in my fuzzy housecoat since it was chilly and the rain started to spit but not for long.

Matt and Marissa popped over for coffee too and to borrow the skid steer and about 11 they and Mom headed home. I got busy painting my front door while Sheldon changed the oil in his truck.
Watering planters and flower beds and harvesting and pulling plants were my next task while Sheldon borrowed a rototiller from Matt and worked up the island, raked the lumps then gave a final roto-till before watering the plants on it. I also pruned the trees some more and am very happy to report quite a few are pushing leaves, whether they come back next spring we will see but it is a hopeful sign.

 most of the herd weed eating the septic filed area

 follow the leader to water
the island final lap

I forced the girls up by 1 pm. Britt washed pots and finished homework while Shaina unloaded dishwasher and was on poop patrol. I made a roast supper which we all enjoyed before Shaina headed to work at the golf course for 6. I could see a storm coming and sure enough it hit about 5:40 as she was heading out. Britt had just went out to hose Bird. The dust storm hit as I was putting the horses back in the winter pasture. All but Julio co-operated. Britt ran around in the storm gathering and locking up cats, opening gates and retrieving Julio from afar. About 1/2 hour later the rain hit. It stuck around for a bit then cleared up by 7 like nothing happened.
 the storm rolls in fast and Julio heads north

see Britt running across the field and Shaina at the gate

then she gets him and brings him back
 this is the deck light helicopter swinging around.. but never smashed thankfully
then the sun came out and the sunset beautifully

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