Wednesday 5 September 2012

499 - dreary drizzly Sept 5th

Day 499 found me getting ready for work only to hear a gunshot and the horses run then stare at a place thru the trees to the highway. I assumed it must have been a deer hit and put out of misery which it indeed was. :-( Britt and I were off to school and work.

Back at the ranch it was far to cold to paint so I put that off, started a fire and chatted with Shaina after she hosed horses and before she left for the gym and a day off!!!. I had to wait for Sheldon to get home to figure the water system then watered my garden while he finished the bottom rail up the drive!!
He then put surveyor tape along the south  barbwire fence as the only safety measure we can do now until the new post and rails go up. Hannah came home with Britt on the bus and they hid in the basement, cooked KD and  such until I sent Britt out to feed and hose. She claimed it was cold to hose but when I suggested hauling warm water in a bucket, she took off. They then test drove Priscilla to the gate and back. Britt has her mind set on buying her form Kaylin. I kept the fire burning while doing laundry and such. I love fireplace days.
 Mr Jenkins favorite place to rest

After a later supper Sheldon grabbed his gun and assorted whistles and headed out along the fence line to see if he can catch a coyote. I updated the blog, thinking that tomorrow is post 500 I will start to make them shorter. Also did accounting and posted some of the 1X8 spruce fence boards online for sale.

Hannah headed home at 8:30 as it got dark, Britt went out and put the horses back in then came in to wash pots and pans. Shaina came home around 10 with Jenna for a sleep over as they are going shopping for a bit tomorrow. She kindly unloaded the dishwasher before they headed downstairs.

Today would have been Grandpa Jim's 92nd birthday, Happy birthday Grandpa!

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