Monday 3 September 2012

497 - Happy Labor Day

Day 497 is a labor day holiday, I was up around 9 making breakfast for me while Sheldon relaxed a bit longer, and the girls even longer.

I headed out to repair the planters after Sheldon found even more digging. Originally we thought it was the rascally kittens but today he went out and caught the culprit..

 hard to see but her chin is COVERED in dirt!!

I then watered my garden, replanted more plants in the island, watered them and hauled water to the gate planters on the quad. Sheldon headed out to try and finish the bottom rail on the driveway fence. Britt was up around 11 and tried to help him but he likes his one man show at this point. She came back and hosed ponies letting them out to graze and closing the gate on her way to ride for Sharon at 1.
anyone have suggestions how to grow kohlrabi without the dang cabbage worms!! look at the damage

Shaina was up even later and dragged her heels preparing for the day. She did finally tidy her floor and bathroom after a final request on my part then headed to work at the golf course for 2 pm. Britt was back just after 2 and got ready to head to Calgary shopping with Hannah and Brooke.
 there was a old slimy puddle near where Sheldon was doing fence so Diego laid down to cool off, soon his little sister did too but she took it to extremes

what a dog!! she stayed outside till after 8 waiting for someone to wash her off, Diego is trying to help her out
here is what Sheldon used the hay bales for, a winter porch for D's dog house

At 1 I came back in and started to tidy, wash pots, unload dishwasher, put away Costco goods, sort laundry and put ribs in for supper then go harvest more garden beets to roast as well as garden potatoes and onions.. and sauteed beet tops. Yummy supper which I think will be just for Sheldon and I. Britt was picked up at 2:45.
Sheldon ran out of hardware for the fence so finished up around 5. He helped me install the solar lights in the front planters before he and I enjoyed the delicious supper. Then it was rest for him and update blog for me. Britt arrived home about 7:15 with only 1 shopping bag. She headed out about quarter to 8 to feed and hose.

but here is what happens when you don't open the new boxes for 1 1/2 years, this one was faulty but to late to return.. DARN it!

Shaina was done work just after 9 and came home, Jenna followed her for a sleepover. Sheldon and I helped Britt with science homework and finally got her off to bed by 11.
when Britt calls the horses EVERYONE comes including all cats and dogs and hopeful horses

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