Thursday 27 September 2012

521 - foggy morning, does this mean rain soon?

Day 521 was a cooler day that started with heavy fog. It looks so cool.
Britt an I headed off as the fog dissipated. After dropping her at school I stopped to grab Tims then headed to work. I left work at 1 and headed to the ranch. It was desk cleaning and sorting time. Britt arrived home on the bus and hosed Bird. After getting home form work Sheldon worked on his truck hoping to solve an oil leak which he found to be the rear seal. A lady stopped to buy a hockey helmet quick while I trouble shot our crackling phone line. Shaina was home from work at the station from 11-5 and she finally had time to do some chores such as unload dishwasher and put washed horse tack away before Brandon joined us for supper at 6.
Bird's leg looking better

After supper, Britt, Shaina and Brandon took the dogs for a walk then Brandon and Shaina went to OJ's for dessert and Britt worked on homework.

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