Sunday 19 August 2012

482 - planters close to finish

Day 482 was a lazy Sunday morning. The tribe was up by 10 am. Grama and Papa and Sheldon had coffee and snacks on the deck. TJ worked on laptop and I started to update the blog but then decided I best get the one deck door done so got busy on that. However when I removed the tape from around window it removed some paint..GRRRRR
Side pork was cooked on the barbeque and Grama fried up potatoes and eggs and we all ate around 11:30. I started to paint the barbeque deck door but saw an invasion of flying ants again. Inside the house they were crazy. Tequila, ACV and a vacuum were the modes of defense.
Shaina was home around 12:00. She went to help Britt hose horses. Britt had made the food in preparation for later. I was out watering my garden but got sidetracked when I came in to see the bugs. Seems I left the hose on and the one planter really got watered before Sheldon turned it off.

At just before 1, Shaina drove the girls to town, picking Kaylin up too. They dropped us at Paetz's while Kaylin got a turn to drive and get Aaron then Shaina drove those 2 to their car then back for us. Next stop to fill with gas then Booster Juice and back to the ranch by 2:30. Time to hose and treat wounds and feed medicine laced foods.

 Kaylin jumps in to join us then takes her own drive in it below

Grama and Papa said their goodbyes and hit the highway at 3 pm.Shaina finally took time to look at limping Baby and found she too had cuts so hosed them too. I don't think she treated them even after I suggested it. She was in much more of a hurray to go lay down. Kaylin had asked Sheldon and I to go golfing but we had lots on our plate so Shaina went for a tee time at 4:30. I finished washing and hanging the last 2 winter blankets and worked for 1/2 hour trying to get old calcification out of the washer filter.
the fire I lit to kill all ants in the fireplace and flew

Sheldon borrowed Stouts tractor to fill the completed planters since the skid steer would require tires on the sidewalk. In and hour they were filled 1/2 full of top soil, he and I raked them and I swept deck, sidewalk and edges and he took it back home at 6. Thanks again neighbors!!
 first load of top soil to fill the bottom layer
the load of wood from Paetz's deck. Amanda joked it would be enough wood for 2 nights of Sheldon's size fire however he is going to take it to the dump as it is full of nails & screws which he wanted removed first in order to burn here but think they did not have the time
 my mean raking skills
Britt snapped this candid of Diego

I created a delicious supper for the whole family including Aaron and Kaylin who after golf came out at 7:30. Lots of garden veggies in coleslaw, sauteed veggies, potato salad, sweet potatoes and barbeque roasted chicken. Curtis and Tash stopped quick to pay for hay. Then Kaylin and Aaron headed home around 9 tuckered out from a hard weekend and A goes home tomorrow. Britt shaved Sheldon's hair for cash before we all had baths and hit the sheets after a busy w/e.

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