Saturday 4 August 2012

467 - running with the bulls day 1

Day 467 turned out to be a cloudless spectacular day.  I slept in! great to be on holidays. Once up Sheldon made coffee, watched Olympics and graded the road and moving gravel, moved blocks back to house, then loaded bales to deliver for another order tomorrow. I bustled around getting ready to head into the rodeo starting at 1.

Britt and Brooke met us there and we enjoyed watching from the covered stands for the first time I think. There was lots of entertainment and Roxy and Glen joined us part way thru. Between rodeo and the running of the bulls we enjoyed a beer meeting up with Craig and Steve. The fellows headed for set up around 5 so Roxy and I went thru the grounds and had another cold beer in the sun.
The running of the bulls proved to be huge entertainment yet again. Glen enjoyed it from the inside as he helped the fellows and Roxy sat with me. This was the first time either had seen the event and even though she felt guilty the ambulance ride for the one fellow who got a good knock happened she said she would come again.
 bikers again

After it was over we all enjoyed a cold beverage before the Cole's headed home. Sheldon and I toured around for a bit grabbing a bit to eat and visiting with Gord our tree guy atop his horse trailer while the chucks ran. We watched part of the hypnotist show then grabbed Britt and headed to the car. We made a stop at Amanda and to Shaina to drop off cab tickets before heading home. Shaina and Kaylin both worked today but Shaina a shorter shift so she could take in the cab and stay over again at Kaylin's.

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