Wednesday 15 August 2012

478 - healing begins

Day 478 was an early start. I awoke at 5:45 and asked if Sheldon was going in to work. He declined so I text Darren his ride since his phone was turfed. I then got up, woke up Britt and after brushing my teeth and dressing warm went out to the horses. Britt was out soon after 6 am. Bird and Julio were happy to be released but very stiff after not moving much all night. I had made them food too which they happily ate after I gave them 10 cc of Bute each. we also blanketed them since it was brisk. Sheldon arrived out too and got the skid steer to load panels. I helped him load them and set up across the broken wire area to make a confined area for these two. Britt made sure they were comfortable in the pen.

I went and checked KD and Beck and they were doing better but both very slow and tender and chilled so I put a blanket on KD too. Britt and I picked up pieces of the shed siding and shingles while Sheldon tied up the panels to be secure. I unloaded the garage washer and hung blankets to dry and threw the rest of the bandages in the dryer. I took all the wet bedding out of the trailer and washed it. I swept our horse trailer out after scooping all the poop and bedding getting under the floor mats even while Britt cleaned out Stouts trailer. Her and I gave KD & Beck food with Bute and Uniprim in it but KD was not so successful, not liking the Bute taste. Britt then spent allot of time washing both horses wounds with Hibitane water while Sheldon filled 2 sink holes and I snapped photos and helped Britt. We also applied unpasteurized honey on a pad and rigged up a bandage to hold it.
The morning also included answering and making phone calls (one at 8 to my brother Dale to wish him a happy birthday!!) and answering texts from kind and caring friends offering to come help with horses or clean up or even to bring starbucks. it truly made you feel blessed knowing you had such good friends. The outpouring of well wishes for  the horses and our losses on facebook was immense too.

Bird gets hosed
 and brushing

 the poor plum trees

 one of the dreaded sink holes
 and the fill

 poultice of honey
 nothing left of lilacs
 the slough is back
 the Grama trees did not fair well :-(
 nor the lodgepole
Finally at 12:15 I jumped in the shower and was ready to head out with Sheldon at 12:30 for the city. We had appointments with our nutrapath, Dr. Roberts that had not worked out in the past and could not cancel at late notice so we made the trip. Sharon dropped Shelby off to hang with Britt and care for horses. They also met with Dr Julie when she came just after 1 for the followup visit and to inject the 2 with excenel in the jugular and drop off green wound paste. She was impressed with the healing of all of them so far.

A quick stop at Chinook to return flip flops 1 day before no longer an option and we arrived in the northwest right on time for my 1:45 appointment. I had live blood analysis before my 1 hour heavy metal IV chelation. During that hour Sheldon had his initial consult finding his irritants were spelt, eggs, wheat, with high mercury, lead and pesticides levels (all compliments of the years farming)

Just after 3 we were back in the Buick and heading south then east making one quick stop at Big Rock to grab some beer. They have a new limited time only Rye and Ginger which we sampled and brought some home as it was unique. We arrived home at 4:40 to find the girls relaxing. They filled us in on the vet visit just before Sharon arrived at 5 to pickup Shelby and drop Sheldon off his replacement phone. Sheldon lifted the trailer back on its jacks with the skid steer only after fixing the bent foot plate on one side. Just after 5 Sheldon dropped Stouts truck and trailer and we grabbed him on the way to get feed for the horses at Lonestar. It was a quick trip there and back stopping to drop off a flysheet we grabbed for Shelby's new horse by 6:30. We did have a quick visit while the boys evaluated hail damage.
Shaina arrived home around 6:30 just before we got home from our trip to Lonestar Tack and Feed. Britt cleaned wounds and S filled some sink holes. I started to cook up some sauteed zucchini as well as stir fried quinoa for supper and Sheldon and Brit shared a chicken breast. Yanni dropped by for a visit and to go see the horses and play a bit of pool.
I updated the blog, Continued to wash bloody rags etc while Sheldon swept mud in garage and front step. Britt continued her checks on the horses and give them more feed with her new products.

Kate and Emily came to see the horses and watch movies. Sheldon was pooped after sweeping after supper so relaxed in the bed checking out his new phone. Britt watched TV upstairs and I finished the blog at just after 11:30 and we both went to get ready for bed.

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